%%%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @copyright (C) 2010-2019, 2600Hz %%% @doc Provide functions to create and manage a single voicemail message. %%% @author Hesaam Farhang %%% @end %%%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(kvm_message). -export([new/2, forward_message/4 ,fetch/2, fetch/3, message/2, message/3 ,set_folder/3, change_folder/4, change_folder/5 ,update/3, update/4 ,move_to_vmbox/4, move_to_vmbox/5, maybe_do_move/7 ,copy_to_vmboxes/4, copy_to_vmboxes/5, maybe_copy_to_vmboxes/7 ,media_url/2 ]). -include("kz_voicemail.hrl"). -export_type([vm_folder/0]). -type new_msg_ret() :: {'ok', kapps_call:call()} | {'error', kapps_call:call(), kz_term:text()}. %% Result of storing message. If it's not successful element 3 of tuple has the error message. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc Receives and stores a new voicemail message. %% Usually this function is called by {@link cf_voicemail} module to create message %% metadata and store the media file in the storage. This may results in %% sending a notification to the the owner of the mailbox or device if it was %% requested by mailbox owner by setting `delete_after_notify' or `save_after_notify' in %% the mailbox document. %% %% Options are: %% %%
`{<<"Attachment-Name">>, '{@link kz_term:ne_binary()}`}'
Media file name
`{<<"Box-Id">>, '{@link kz_term:ne_binary()}`}'
The mailbox ID the message is belong to
`{<<"OwnerId">>, '{@link kz_term:ne_binary()}`}'
The owner ID of the mailbox
`{<<"Length">>, integer()}'
Media file size (or audio duration?)
`{<<"Transcribe-Voicemail">>, boolean()}'
Should try to transcribe the message with external service
`{<<"After-Notify-Action">>, '{@link notify_action()}`}'
The action to execute if sending notification was successful
`{<<"Box-Num">>, '{@link kz_term:ne_binary()}`}'
Extension or phone number of the mailbox
`{<<"Timezone">>, '{@link kz_term:api_binary()}`}'
Configured timezone of the mailbox or device or user or account. If it %% is `undefined' system default timezone will be used instead.
%% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec new(Call, Options) -> Result when Call::kapps_call:call(), Options::kz_term:proplist(), Result::new_msg_ret(). new(Call, Options) -> BoxId = props:get_value(<<"Box-Id">>, Options), %% FIXME: dis guy is file size not audio duration Length = props:get_value(<<"Length">>, Options), AttachmentName = props:get_value(<<"Attachment-Name">>, Options), lager:debug("saving new ~bms voicemail media and metadata", [Length]), case create_new_message_doc(Call, Options) of {'error', _} -> Msg = io_lib:format("failed to create and save voicemail document for voicemail box ~s of account ~s" ,[BoxId, kapps_call:account_id(Call)] ), {'error', Call, Msg}; {'ok', MessageDoc} -> MediaUrl = fun() -> kz_media_url:store(MessageDoc, AttachmentName) end, MessageId = kz_doc:id(MessageDoc), Msg = io_lib:format("failed to store voicemail media ~s in voicemail box ~s of account ~s" ,[MessageId, BoxId, kapps_call:account_id(Call)] ), Funs = [{fun kapps_call:kvs_store/3, 'mailbox_id', BoxId} ,{fun kapps_call:kvs_store/3, 'attachment_name', AttachmentName} ,{fun kapps_call:kvs_store/3, 'media_id', MessageId} ,{fun kapps_call:kvs_store/3, 'media_length', Length} ], lager:debug("storing voicemail media recording ~s in doc ~s", [AttachmentName, MessageId]), case store_recording(AttachmentName, MediaUrl, kapps_call:exec(Funs, Call), MessageId) of 'ok' -> notify_and_update_meta(Call, MessageId, Length, Options); {'error', Call1} -> lager:error(Msg), {'error', Call1, Msg} end end. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc Forwards and stores a voicemail message from source mailbox into destination mailbox. %% Usually this function is called by {@link cf_voicemail} module to forward a message from its source %% mailbox into the destination mailbox. This may result in sending a notification as described in {@link new/2}. %% %% For `Options' description see {@link new/2}. %% %% If the callee did record a message (if `Attachment-Name' is present in the Options), it will tries to append %% the forwarding message to to the callee's message. If it failed the original forwarding message will be save %% into the destination mailbox. %% %% @see new/2 %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec forward_message(Call, Metadata, SrcBoxId, Options) -> Result when Call::kapps_call:call(), Metadata::kz_json:object(), SrcBoxId::kz_term:ne_binary(), Options::kz_term:proplist(), Result::new_msg_ret(). forward_message(Call, Metadata, SrcBoxId, Options) -> case props:get_value(<<"Attachment-Name">>, Options) of 'undefined' -> %% user chose to forward without prepending forward_to_vmbox(Call, Metadata, SrcBoxId, Options); _AttachmentName -> %% user chose to forward and prepend a message new_forward_message(Call, Metadata, SrcBoxId, Options) end. -spec new_forward_message(kapps_call:call(), kz_json:object(), kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:proplist()) -> new_msg_ret(). new_forward_message(Call, Metadata, SrcBoxId, Options) -> DestBoxId = props:get_value(<<"Box-Id">>, Options), Length = props:get_value(<<"Length">>, Options), AttachmentName = props:get_value(<<"Attachment-Name">>, Options), lager:debug("saving new ~bms forward voicemail media and metadata", [Length]), case create_forward_message_doc(Call, Metadata, SrcBoxId, Options) of {'error', _} -> Msg = io_lib:format("failed to create and save voicemail document for forwarded message ~s to voicemail box ~s of account ~s" ,[kzd_box_message:media_id(Metadata), DestBoxId, kapps_call:account_id(Call)] ), {'error', Call, Msg}; {ForwardId, MediaUrl} -> Msg = io_lib:format("failed to store forward voicemail media ~s in voicemail box ~s of account ~s" ,[ForwardId, DestBoxId, kapps_call:account_id(Call)] ), Funs = [{fun kapps_call:kvs_store/3, 'dest_mailbox_id', DestBoxId} ,{fun kapps_call:kvs_store/3, 'attachment_name', AttachmentName} ,{fun kapps_call:kvs_store/3, 'media_id', ForwardId} ,{fun kapps_call:kvs_store/3, 'media_length', Length} ], lager:debug("storing forward voicemail media recording ~s in doc ~s", [AttachmentName, ForwardId]), case store_recording(AttachmentName, MediaUrl, kapps_call:exec(Funs, Call), ForwardId) of 'ok' -> prepend_and_notify(Call, ForwardId, Metadata, SrcBoxId, Options); {'error', Call1} -> lager:error(Msg), {'error', Call1, Msg} end end. %% @equiv fetch(AccountId, MessageId, 'undefined') -spec fetch(AccountId, MessageId) -> db_ret() when AccountId::kz_term:ne_binary(), MessageId::kz_term:ne_binary(). fetch(AccountId, MessageId) -> fetch(AccountId, MessageId, 'undefined'). %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc Fetch a message document while considering the retention policy. %% `MessageId` is in `MODB_PREFIX' format (`YYYYMM-...'). If the message is older than %% account's voicemail retention policy, it will marked as deleted. %% %% Since this function can be called by Crossbar, the message is checked that it is belonged %% to the specified mailbox ID or not. If not `{error, not_found}' will be returned. %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec fetch(AccountId, MessageId, BoxId) -> db_ret() when AccountId::kz_term:ne_binary(), MessageId::kz_term:ne_binary(), BoxId::kz_term:api_ne_binary(). fetch(AccountId, MessageId, BoxId) -> RetenTimestamp = kz_time:now_s() - kvm_util:retention_seconds(AccountId), {_, DbRet} = do_fetch(AccountId, MessageId, BoxId, RetenTimestamp), DbRet. -spec do_fetch(kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:api_ne_binary(), kz_time:gregorian_seconds()) -> {boolean(), db_ret()}. do_fetch(AccountId, MessageId, BoxId, RetenTimestamp) -> case kvm_util:open_modb_doc(AccountId, MessageId, kzd_box_message:type()) of {'ok', JObj} -> IsPrior = kvm_util:is_prior_to_retention(JObj, RetenTimestamp), case kvm_util:check_msg_belonging(BoxId, JObj) of 'false' -> {'false', {'error', 'not_found'}}; 'true' when IsPrior -> {'true', {'ok', kvm_util:enforce_retention(JObj, 'true')}}; 'true' -> {'false', {'ok', JObj}} end; {'error', _E} = Error -> lager:debug("failed to open message ~s:~p", [MessageId, _E]), {'false', Error} end. %% @equiv message(AccountId, MessageId, 'undefined') -spec message(AccountId, MessageId) -> db_ret() when AccountId::kz_term:ne_binary(), MessageId::kz_term:ne_binary(). message(AccountId, MessageId) -> message(AccountId, MessageId, 'undefined'). %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc Fetch message metadata while considering the retention policy. %% See {@link fetch/2} for description about retention policy. %% %% @see fetch/2 %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec message(AccountId, MessageId, BoxId) -> db_ret() when AccountId::kz_term:ne_binary(), MessageId::kz_term:ne_binary(), BoxId::kz_term:api_ne_binary(). message(AccountId, MessageId, BoxId) -> case fetch(AccountId, MessageId, BoxId) of {'ok', JObj} -> {'ok', kzd_box_message:metadata(JObj)}; Error -> Error end. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc Change the message's folder. %% Returns the new updated message on success or the old message if update failed. %% %%
For use by {@link cf_voicemail} only.
%% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec set_folder(Folder, Message, AccountId) -> db_ret() when Folder::kz_term:ne_binary(), Message::kz_json:object(), AccountId::kz_term:ne_binary(). set_folder(Folder, Message, AccountId) -> MessageId = kzd_box_message:media_id(Message), FromFolder = kzd_box_message:folder(Message, ?VM_FOLDER_NEW), lager:info("setting folder for message ~s to ~p", [MessageId, Folder]), case maybe_set_folder(FromFolder, Folder, MessageId, AccountId, Message) of {'ok', _} = OK -> OK; {'error', _} -> {'error', Message} end. -spec maybe_set_folder(kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_json:object()) -> db_ret(). maybe_set_folder(_, ?VM_FOLDER_DELETED = ToFolder, MessageId, AccountId, _Msg) -> %% ensuring that message is really deleted change_folder(ToFolder, MessageId, AccountId, 'undefined'); maybe_set_folder(FromFolder, FromFolder, _MessageId, _AccountId, Msg) -> {'ok', Msg}; maybe_set_folder(_FromFolder, ToFolder, MessageId, AccountId, _Msg) -> change_folder(ToFolder, MessageId, AccountId, 'undefined'). %% @equiv change_folder(Folder, Message, AccountId, BoxId, []) -spec change_folder(Folder, Message, AccountId, BoxId) -> db_ret() when Folder::vm_folder(), Message::message(), AccountId::kz_term:ne_binary(), BoxId::kz_term:api_binary(). change_folder(Folder, Message, AccountId, BoxId) -> change_folder(Folder, Message, AccountId, BoxId, []). %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc Change the message's folder. %%
If `Folder' is `` {<<"deleted">>, 'true'} '', the message %% would move to deleted folder and and its document will marked as soft-deleted, %% otherwise it just move to deleted folder (for recovering later by user).
%% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec change_folder(Folder, Message, AccountId, BoxId, Functions) -> db_ret() when Folder::vm_folder(), Message::message(), AccountId::kz_term:ne_binary(), BoxId::kz_term:api_binary(), Functions::update_funs(). change_folder(Folder, Message, AccountId, BoxId, Funs0) -> Funs = [fun(J) -> kzd_box_message:apply_folder(Folder, J) end | Funs0 ], case update(AccountId, BoxId, Message, Funs) of {'ok', JObj} -> {'ok', kzd_box_message:metadata(JObj)}; {'error', _R} = Error -> lager:debug("failed to update message ~s folder to ~s: ~p", [Folder, _R]), Error end. %% @equiv update(AccountId, BoxId, Message, []) -spec update(kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:api_ne_binary(), message()) -> db_ret(). update(AccountId, BoxId, Message) -> update(AccountId, BoxId, Message, []). %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc Update the message document. %% It tries to fetch the message and applies provided function on the document. You can pass a JObj %% instead of `MessageId'. %% %% If the message is prior to retention policy the message is marked as deleted in database %% and error `{error, <<"prior_to_retention_duration">>}' will be returned instead. %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec update(AccountId, BoxId, Message, Functions) -> db_ret() when AccountId::kz_term:ne_binary(), BoxId::kz_term:api_ne_binary(), Message::message(), Functions::update_funs(). update(AccountId, BoxId, ?NE_BINARY = MsgId, Funs) -> RetenTimestamp = kz_time:now_s() - kvm_util:retention_seconds(AccountId), case do_fetch(AccountId, MsgId, BoxId, RetenTimestamp) of {'true', {'ok', JObj}} -> _ = do_update(JObj, [fun(J) -> kvm_util:enforce_retention(J, 'true') end]), {'error', <<"prior_to_retention_duration">>}; {'false', {'ok', JObj}} -> do_update(JObj, Funs); {_, {'error', _}=Error} -> Error end; update(AccountId, _BoxId, JObj, Funs) -> RetenTimestamp = kz_time:now_s() - kvm_util:retention_seconds(AccountId), case kvm_util:is_prior_to_retention(JObj, RetenTimestamp) of 'true' -> _ = do_update(JObj, [fun(J) -> kvm_util:enforce_retention(J, 'true') end]), {'error', <<"prior_to_retention_duration">>}; 'false' -> do_update(JObj, Funs) end. -spec do_update(kz_json:object(), update_funs()) -> db_ret(). do_update(JObj, Funs) -> NewJObj = lists:foldl(fun(F, J) -> F(J) end, JObj, Funs), case try_save_document('undefined', NewJObj, 3) of {'ok', _}=OK -> OK; {'error', _R}=Error -> lager:debug("failed to update voicemail message ~s: ~p", [kz_doc:id(NewJObj), _R]), Error end. %% @equiv move_to_vmbox(AccountId, Things, OldBoxId, NewBoxId, []) -spec move_to_vmbox(AccountId, Message, OldBoxId, NewBoxId) -> db_ret() when AccountId::kz_term:ne_binary(), Message::message(), OldBoxId::kz_term:ne_binary(), NewBoxId::kz_term:ne_binary(). move_to_vmbox(AccountId, Things, OldBoxId, NewBoxId) -> move_to_vmbox(AccountId, Things, OldBoxId, NewBoxId, []). %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc Moves a message to another mailbox. %% It reads the mailbox document from database first, then calls {@link maybe_do_move/7}. %% %% @see maybe_do_move/7 %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec move_to_vmbox(AccountId, Message, OldBoxId, NewBoxId, Functions) -> db_ret() when AccountId::kz_term:ne_binary(), Message::message(), OldBoxId::kz_term:ne_binary(), NewBoxId::kz_term:ne_binary(), Functions::update_funs(). move_to_vmbox(AccountId, ?NE_BINARY = FromId, OldBoxId, NewBoxId, Funs) -> AccountDb = kvm_util:get_db(AccountId), case kz_datamgr:open_cache_doc(AccountDb, NewBoxId) of {'ok', NBoxJ} -> RetenTimestamp = kz_time:now_s() - kvm_util:retention_seconds(AccountId), maybe_do_move(AccountId, FromId, OldBoxId, NewBoxId, NBoxJ, Funs, RetenTimestamp); {'error', _Reason} = Error -> lager:debug("failed to open destination vmbox ~s: ~p", [NewBoxId, _Reason]), Error end; move_to_vmbox(AccountId, JObj, OldBoxId, NewBoxId, Funs) -> move_to_vmbox(AccountId, kzd_box_message:get_msg_id(JObj), OldBoxId, NewBoxId, Funs). %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc Moves a message to another mailbox. %% If the message is prior to retention policy it will marked as deleted and %% `{error, <<"prior_to_retention_duration">>}' will returned instead. %% %% It calls by {@link kvm_messages:move_to_vmbox/5} %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec maybe_do_move(AccountId, MessageId, OldBoxId, NewBoxId, NewBoxJObj, Functions, RetenTimestamp) -> db_ret() when AccountId::kz_term:ne_binary(), MessageId::kz_term:ne_binary(), OldBoxId::kz_term:ne_binary(), NewBoxId::kz_term:ne_binary(), NewBoxJObj::kz_json:object(), Functions::update_funs(), RetenTimestamp::kz_time:gregorian_seconds(). maybe_do_move(AccountId, FromId, OldBoxId, NewBoxId, NBoxJ, Funs, RetenTimestamp) -> case do_fetch(AccountId, FromId, OldBoxId, RetenTimestamp) of {'true', {'ok', JObj}} -> _ = do_update(JObj, [fun(J) -> kvm_util:enforce_retention(J, 'true') end]), {'error', <<"prior_to_retention_duration">>}; {'false', {'ok', _}} -> do_move(AccountId, FromId, OldBoxId, NewBoxId, NBoxJ, Funs); {_, {'error', _}=Error} -> Error end. -spec do_move(kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_json:object(), update_funs()) -> db_ret(). do_move(AccountId, FromId, OldBoxId, NewBoxId, NBoxJ, Funs) -> {ToId, TransformFuns} = kvm_util:get_change_vmbox_funs(AccountId, NewBoxId, NBoxJ, OldBoxId), FromDb = kvm_util:get_db(AccountId, FromId), ToDb = kvm_util:get_db(AccountId, ToId), lager:debug("moving voicemail ~s/~s (vmbox ~s) to ~s/~s (vmbox ~s)" ,[FromDb, FromId, OldBoxId, ToDb, ToId, NewBoxId] ), Opts = [{'transform', fun(_, B) -> lists:foldl(fun(F, J) -> F(J) end, B, TransformFuns ++ Funs) end} ,{'max_retries', 3} ], case kazoo_modb:move_doc(FromDb, {kzd_box_message:type(), FromId}, ToDb, ToId, Opts) of {'ok', _} = OK -> OK; {'error', 'timeout'} -> move_copy_final_check(AccountId, FromId, ToId); {'error', 'conflict'} -> Msg = io_lib:format("conflict occurred during moving voicemail ~s / ~s to ~s / ~s" ,[FromDb, FromId, ToDb, ToId] ), Subject = <<"Conflict during forward voicemail message">>, send_system_alert('undefined', AccountId, Subject, kz_term:to_binary(Msg)), move_copy_final_check(AccountId, FromId, ToId); {'error', _} = Error -> lager:debug("failed to move ~s/~s to ~s/~s", [FromDb, FromId, ToDb, ToId]), Error end. %% @equiv copy_to_vmboxes(AccountId, MsgThing, OldBoxId, NewBoxIds, []) -spec copy_to_vmboxes(AccountId, Message, OldBoxId, NewBoxIds) -> kz_json:object() when AccountId::kz_term:ne_binary(), Message::message(), OldBoxId::kz_term:ne_binary(), NewBoxIds::kz_term:ne_binary() | kz_term:ne_binaries(). copy_to_vmboxes(AccountId, MsgThing, OldBoxId, NewBoxIds) -> copy_to_vmboxes(AccountId, MsgThing, OldBoxId, NewBoxIds, []). %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc Copy a message to other mailbox(es) %% If the message is prior to retention policy it will marked as deleted and %% `{error, <<"prior_to_retention_duration">>}' will returned instead. %% %% Returns a JObj in the below form: %% ``` %% {[{<<"succeeded">> %% ,[<<"some_id">>] %% } %% ,{<<"failed">> %% ,[{<<"some_id">>, <<"some_reason">>}] %% } %% ]} %% ''' %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec copy_to_vmboxes(AccountId, MessageId, OldBoxId, NewBoxIds, Functions) -> kz_json:object() when AccountId::kz_term:ne_binary(), MessageId::message(), OldBoxId::kz_term:ne_binary(), NewBoxIds::kz_term:ne_binary() | kz_term:ne_binaries(), Functions::update_funs(). copy_to_vmboxes(AccountId, MessageId, OldBoxId, ?NE_BINARY = NewBoxId, Funs) -> copy_to_vmboxes(AccountId, MessageId, OldBoxId, [NewBoxId], Funs); copy_to_vmboxes(AccountId, ?NE_BINARY = MessageId, OldBoxId, NewBoxIds, Funs) -> RetenTimestamp = kz_time:now_s() - kvm_util:retention_seconds(AccountId), kz_json:from_list_recursive( maps:to_list( maybe_copy_to_vmboxes(AccountId, MessageId, OldBoxId, NewBoxIds, #{}, Funs, RetenTimestamp) ) ); copy_to_vmboxes(AccountId, JObj, OldBoxId, NewBoxIds, Funs) -> copy_to_vmboxes(AccountId, kzd_box_message:get_msg_id(JObj), OldBoxId, NewBoxIds, Funs). %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc Copy a message to other mailbox(es) %% If the message is prior to retention policy it will marked as deleted and %% `{error, <<"prior_to_retention_duration">>}' will returned instead. %% %% It calls by {@link kvm_messages:copy_to_vmboxes/5} %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec maybe_copy_to_vmboxes(AccountId, FromId, OldBoxId, NewBoxIds, Acc, Functions, RetenTimestamp) -> bulk_map() when AccountId::kz_term:ne_binary(), FromId::kz_term:ne_binary(), OldBoxId::kz_term:ne_binary(), NewBoxIds::kz_term:ne_binaries(), Acc::bulk_map(), Functions::update_funs(), RetenTimestamp::kz_time:gregorian_seconds(). maybe_copy_to_vmboxes(AccountId, FromId, OldBoxId, NewBoxIds, CopyMap, Funs, RetenTimestamp) -> case do_fetch(AccountId, FromId, OldBoxId, RetenTimestamp) of {'true', {'ok', JObj}} -> _ = do_update(JObj, [fun(J) -> kvm_util:enforce_retention(J, 'true') end]), IdReason = {FromId, <<"prior_to_retention_duration">>}, maps:update_with(failed, fun(List) -> [IdReason|List] end, [IdReason], CopyMap); {'false', {'ok', _}} -> copy_to_vmboxes(AccountId, FromId, OldBoxId, NewBoxIds, CopyMap, Funs); {_, {'error', Reason}} -> IdReason = {FromId, kz_term:to_binary(Reason)}, maps:update_with(failed, fun(List) -> [IdReason|List] end, [IdReason], CopyMap) end. -spec copy_to_vmboxes(kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:ne_binaries(), bulk_map(), update_funs()) -> bulk_map(). copy_to_vmboxes(_, _, _, [], CopyMap, _) -> CopyMap; copy_to_vmboxes(AccountId, FromId, OldBoxId, [NBId | NBIds], CopyMap, Funs) -> NewCopyMap = copy_to_vmbox(AccountId, FromId, OldBoxId, NBId, CopyMap, Funs), copy_to_vmboxes(AccountId, FromId, OldBoxId, NBIds, NewCopyMap, Funs). -spec copy_to_vmbox(kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:ne_binary(), bulk_map(), update_funs()) -> bulk_map(). copy_to_vmbox(AccountId, ?NE_BINARY = FromId, OldBoxId, ?NE_BINARY = NBId, CopyMap, Funs) -> AccountDb = kvm_util:get_db(AccountId), copy_to_vmbox(AccountId, FromId, OldBoxId, NBId, CopyMap ,kz_datamgr:open_cache_doc(AccountDb, NBId) ,Funs ). -spec copy_to_vmbox(kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:ne_binary(), bulk_map(), kz_datamgr:data_error() | {'ok', kz_json:object()}, update_funs()) -> bulk_map(). copy_to_vmbox(_AccountId, FromId, _OldBoxId, NBId, CopyMap ,{'error', Reason} ,_ ) -> lager:warning("could not open destination vmbox ~s", [NBId]), IdReason = {FromId, kz_term:to_binary(Reason)}, maps:update_with(failed, fun(List) -> [IdReason|List] end, [IdReason], CopyMap); copy_to_vmbox(AccountId, FromId, OldBoxId, NBId, CopyMap ,{'ok', NBox} ,Funs ) -> {ToId, TransformFuns} = kvm_util:get_change_vmbox_funs(AccountId, NBId, NBox, OldBoxId), case do_copy(AccountId, FromId, ToId, TransformFuns ++ Funs) of {'ok', CopiedJObj} -> CopiedId = kz_doc:id(CopiedJObj), maps:update_with('succeeded', fun(List) -> [CopiedId|List] end, [CopiedId], CopyMap); {'error', R} -> IdReason = {FromId, kz_term:to_binary(R)}, maps:update_with('failed', fun(List) -> [IdReason|List] end, [IdReason], CopyMap) end. -spec do_copy(kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:ne_binary(), update_funs()) -> db_ret(). do_copy(AccountId, ?NE_BINARY = FromId, ToId, Funs) -> FromDb = kvm_util:get_db(AccountId, FromId), ToDb = kvm_util:get_db(AccountId, ToId), lager:debug("copying voicemail ~s/~s to ~s/~s" ,[FromDb, FromId, ToDb, ToId] ), Opts = [{'transform', fun(_, B) -> lists:foldl(fun(F, J) -> F(J) end, B, Funs) end} ,{'max_retries', 3} ], case kazoo_modb:copy_doc(FromDb, {kzd_box_message:type(), FromId}, ToDb, ToId, Opts) of {'ok', _} = OK -> OK; {'error', 'timeout'} -> move_copy_final_check(AccountId, FromId, ToId); {'error', 'conflict'} -> Msg = io_lib:format("conflict occurred during forwarding voicemail ~s / ~s to ~s / ~s" ,[FromDb, FromId, ToDb, ToId] ), Subject = <<"Conflict during forward voicemail message">>, send_system_alert('undefined', AccountId, Subject, kz_term:to_binary(Msg)), move_copy_final_check(AccountId, FromId, ToId); {'error', _}=Error -> lager:debug("failed to copy ~s/~s to ~s/~s", [FromDb, FromId, ToDb, ToId]), Error end. -spec move_copy_final_check(kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:ne_binary()) -> db_ret(). move_copy_final_check(AccountId, FromId, ToId) -> FromDb = kvm_util:get_db(AccountId, FromId), ToDb = kvm_util:get_db(AccountId, ToId), case fetch(AccountId, ToId) of {'ok', _}=OK -> OK; %% message was saved somehow(network glitch?), moving on {'error', _} -> lager:error("max retries to copy or move voicemail message ~s/~s to ~s/~s" ,[FromDb, FromId, ToDb, ToId] ), {'error', 'max_save_retries'} end. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc Get Url of the media file from media server. %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec media_url(AccountId, Message) -> binary() when AccountId::kz_term:ne_binary(), Message::message(). media_url(AccountId, ?NE_BINARY = MessageId) -> case fetch(AccountId, MessageId) of {'ok', Message} -> case kz_media_url:playback(Message, Message) of {'error', _} -> <<>>; Url -> Url end; {'error', _} -> <<>> end; media_url(AccountId, Message) -> media_url(AccountId, kzd_box_message:media_id(Message)). %%%============================================================================= %%% Internal functions %%%============================================================================= -type store_media_url() :: fun(() -> kz_term:ne_binary() | {'error', any()}). %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec create_new_message_doc(kapps_call:call(), kz_term:proplist()) -> {'ok', kzd_box_message:doc()} | {'error', any()}. create_new_message_doc(Call, Props) -> AccountId = kapps_call:account_id(Call), JObj = kzd_box_message:new(AccountId, Props), Length = props:get_value(<<"Length">>, Props), CIDNumber = kvm_util:get_caller_id_number(Call), CIDName = kvm_util:get_caller_id_name(Call), Timestamp = kz_time:now_s(), Metadata = kzd_box_message:build_metadata_object(Length, Call, kz_doc:id(JObj), CIDNumber, CIDName, Timestamp), MsgJObj = kzd_box_message:set_metadata(Metadata, JObj), try_save_document(Call, MsgJObj, 3). -spec create_forward_message_doc(kapps_call:call(), kz_json:object(), kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:proplist()) -> {kz_term:ne_binary(), store_media_url()} | {'error', any()}. create_forward_message_doc(Call, Metadata, SrcBoxId, Props) -> AccountId = kapps_call:account_id(Call), JObj = kzd_box_message:set_metadata(Metadata, kzd_box_message:new(AccountId, Props)), NewBoxJObj = fake_vmbox_jobj(Call, Props), {_NewId, VMChangeFuns} = kvm_util:get_change_vmbox_funs(kapps_call:account_id(Call) ,kz_doc:id(NewBoxJObj) ,NewBoxJObj ,SrcBoxId ,kz_doc:id(JObj) ), Updates = [fun(M) -> kz_json:set_value(<<"length">>, props:get_value(<<"Length">>, Props), M) end | VMChangeFuns ], MsgJObj = lists:foldl(fun(F, J) -> F(J) end, JObj, Updates), AttachmentName = props:get_value(<<"Attachment-Name">>, Props), case try_save_document(Call, MsgJObj, 3) of {'ok', SavedJObj} -> MediaUrl = fun() -> kz_media_url:store(SavedJObj, AttachmentName) end, {kz_doc:id(SavedJObj), MediaUrl}; {'error', _}=Error -> Error end. -spec try_save_document('undefined' | kapps_call:call(), kz_json:object(), 1..3) -> db_ret(). try_save_document(_Call, MsgJObj, 0) -> case fetch(kz_doc:account_id(MsgJObj), kz_doc:id(MsgJObj)) of {'ok', _}=OK -> OK; %% message was saved somehow(network glitch?), moving on {'error', _} -> lager:error("max retries to save voicemail message ~s in db ~s" ,[kz_doc:id(MsgJObj), kz_doc:account_db(MsgJObj)] ), {'error', 'max_save_retries'} end; try_save_document(Call, MsgJObj, Loop) -> case kazoo_modb:save_doc(kz_doc:account_db(MsgJObj), MsgJObj, [{'max_retries', 3}]) of {'ok', _}=OK -> OK; {'error', 'conflict'} -> RetryFun = fun(J) -> try_save_document(Call, J, Loop - 1) end, maybe_retry_conflict(Call, MsgJObj, RetryFun); {'error', _Reason}=Error -> lager:error("failed to save voicemail message ~s in db ~s : ~p" ,[kz_doc:id(MsgJObj), kz_doc:account_db(MsgJObj), _Reason] ), Error end. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc create a fake Destination Box JObj to pass to change vmbox functions %% %%
Set `pvt_account_id' and db just to make sure for case %% when timezone is not passed so {@link kzd_voicemail_box} can find %% timezone from vmbox the owner or account.
%% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec fake_vmbox_jobj(kapps_call:call(), kz_term:proplist()) -> kz_json:object(). fake_vmbox_jobj(Call, Props) -> kz_json:from_list([{<<"_id">>, props:get_value(<<"Box-Id">>, Props)} ,{<<"mailbox">>, props:get_value(<<"Box-Num">>, Props)} ,{<<"timezone">>, props:get_value(<<"Timezone">>, Props)} ,{<<"owner_id">>, props:get_value(<<"Owner-Id">>, Props)} ,{<<"pvt_account_id">>, kapps_call:account_id(Call)} ,{<<"pvt_account_db">>, kapps_call:account_db(Call)} ] ). -spec store_recording(kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:ne_binary() | store_media_url(), kapps_call:call(), kz_term:ne_binary()) -> 'ok' | {'error', kapps_call:call()}. store_recording(AttachmentName, Url, Call, MessageId) -> case kapps_call_command:store_file(<<"/tmp/", AttachmentName/binary>>, Url, Call) of 'ok' -> lager:debug("stored ~s to ~s", [AttachmentName, Url]); {'error', _R} -> lager:warning("error during storing voicemail recording ~s , checking attachment existence: ~p", [MessageId, _R]), check_attachment_exists(Call, MessageId) end. -spec check_attachment_exists(kapps_call:call(), kz_term:ne_binary()) -> 'ok' | {'error', kapps_call:call()}. check_attachment_exists(Call, MessageId) -> case fetch(kapps_call:account_id(Call), MessageId) of {'ok', JObj} -> case kz_term:is_empty(kz_doc:attachments(JObj)) of 'true' -> {'error', Call}; 'false' -> lager:debug("freeswitch returned error during store voicemail recording, but attachments is saved anyway") end; {'error', _R} -> lager:warning("failed to check attachment existence doc id ~s: ~p", [MessageId, _R]), {'error', Call} end. -spec forward_to_vmbox(kapps_call:call(), kz_json:object(), kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:proplist()) -> new_msg_ret(). forward_to_vmbox(Call, Metadata, SrcBoxId, Props) -> forward_to_vmbox(Call, Metadata, SrcBoxId, Props, []). -spec forward_to_vmbox(kapps_call:call(), kz_json:object(), kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:proplist(), update_funs()) -> new_msg_ret(). forward_to_vmbox(Call, Metadata, SrcBoxId, Props, Funs) -> AccountId = kapps_call:account_id(Call), MediaId = kzd_box_message:media_id(Metadata), DestBoxId = props:get_value(<<"Box-Id">>, Props), Length = props:get_value(<<"Length">>, Props), ResultMap = copy_to_vmbox(AccountId, MediaId, SrcBoxId, DestBoxId, #{} ,kz_datamgr:open_cache_doc(kz_util:format_account_db(AccountId), DestBoxId) ,Funs ), Failed = maps:get(failed, ResultMap, []), Succeeded = maps:get(succeeded, ResultMap, []), case {Failed, Succeeded} of {[], []} -> {'error', Call, 'internal_error'}; {[], [ForwardId]} -> %%TODO: update length and caller_id notify_and_update_meta(Call, ForwardId, Length, Props); {[{_Id, Reason}], _} -> {'error', Call, Reason} end. -spec prepend_and_notify(kapps_call:call(), kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_json:object(), kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:proplist()) -> new_msg_ret(). prepend_and_notify(Call, ForwardId, Metadata, SrcBoxId, Props) -> Length = props:get_value(<<"Length">>, Props), try prepend_forward_message(Call, ForwardId, Metadata, SrcBoxId, Props) of {'ok', _} -> %%TODO: update length and caller_id notify_and_update_meta(Call, ForwardId, Length, Props); {'error', Reason} -> %% prepend failed, so at least try to forward without a prepend message remove_malform_vm(Call, ForwardId), ErrorMessage = kz_term:to_binary(io_lib:format("failed to prepend and joining audio files: ~p", [Reason])), UpdateFuns = [fun(J) -> kz_json:set_value(<<"forward_join_error">>, ErrorMessage, J) end], forward_to_vmbox(Call, Metadata, SrcBoxId, Props, UpdateFuns) catch _T:_E -> remove_malform_vm(Call, ForwardId), ST = erlang:get_stacktrace(), ErrorMessage = kz_term:to_binary(io_lib:format("exception occurred during prepend and joining audio files: ~p:~p", [_T, _E])), lager:error(ErrorMessage), kz_util:log_stacktrace(ST), %% prepend failed, so at least try to forward without a prepend message UpdateFuns = [fun(J) -> kz_json:set_value(<<"forward_join_error">>, ErrorMessage, J) end], forward_to_vmbox(Call, Metadata, SrcBoxId, Props, UpdateFuns) end. -spec prepend_forward_message(kapps_call:call(), kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_json:object(), kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:proplist()) -> db_ret(). prepend_forward_message(Call, ForwardId, Metadata, _SrcBoxId, Props) -> lager:debug("trying to prepend a message to forwarded voicemail message ~s", [ForwardId]), AccountId = kapps_call:account_id(Call), lager:debug("saving prepend message ~s attachment to file system", [ForwardId]), TmpAttachmentName = props:get_ne_binary_value(<<"Attachment-Name">>, Props), {'ok', TmpPath} = write_attachment_to_file(AccountId, ForwardId, [TmpAttachmentName]), {'ok', _} = kz_datamgr:delete_attachment(kvm_util:get_db(AccountId, ForwardId), ForwardId, TmpAttachmentName), OrigMsgId = kzd_box_message:media_id(Metadata), lager:debug("saving original message ~s attachment to file system", [OrigMsgId]), {'ok', OrigPath} = write_attachment_to_file(AccountId, OrigMsgId), {'ok', OrigSampleRate} = kz_media_util:detect_file_sample_rate(OrigPath), TonePath = kz_binary:join([<<"/tmp/">>, <<(kz_binary:rand_hex(16))/binary, ".wav">>], <<>>), {'ok', _} = kz_media_util:synthesize_tone(OrigSampleRate, <<"440">>, <<"0.5">>, TonePath), lager:debug("joining prepend to original message"), case kz_media_util:join_media_files([TmpPath, TonePath, OrigPath], [{sample_rate, OrigSampleRate}]) of {'ok', FileContents} -> JoinFilename = <<(kz_binary:rand_hex(16))/binary, ".mp3">>, _ = [kz_util:delete_file(F) || F <- [TmpPath, OrigPath, TonePath]], %%TODO: update forwarded doc with length and media_filename try_put_fwd_attachment(AccountId, ForwardId, JoinFilename, FileContents, 3); {'error', _} -> _ = [kz_util:delete_file(F) || F <- [TmpPath, OrigPath, TonePath]], lager:warning("failed to join forward message media files"), {'error', 'join_failed'} end. -spec try_put_fwd_attachment(kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:ne_binary(), iodata(), 1..3) -> db_ret(). try_put_fwd_attachment(AccountId, ForwardId, _JoinFilename, _FileContents, 0) -> lager:error("max retries to save prepend forward voicemail attachment ~s in db ~s" ,[ForwardId, kvm_util:get_db(AccountId, ForwardId)] ), {'error', 'max_save_retries'}; try_put_fwd_attachment(AccountId, ForwardId, JoinFilename, FileContents, Loop) -> case kz_datamgr:put_attachment(kvm_util:get_db(AccountId, ForwardId), ForwardId, JoinFilename, FileContents) of {'ok', _}=OK -> OK; {'error', 'conflict'} -> try_put_fwd_attachment(AccountId, ForwardId, JoinFilename, FileContents, Loop - 1); {'error', 'timeout'} -> try_put_fwd_attachment(AccountId, ForwardId, JoinFilename, FileContents, Loop - 1); {'error', _Reason}=Error -> lager:error("failed to save prepend forward voicemail message ~s in db ~s : ~p" ,[ForwardId, kvm_util:get_db(AccountId, ForwardId), _Reason]), Error end. -spec write_attachment_to_file(kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:ne_binary()) -> {'ok', kz_term:ne_binary()} | {'error', any()}. write_attachment_to_file(AccountId, MessageId) -> case fetch(AccountId, MessageId) of {'ok', Doc} -> write_attachment_to_file(AccountId, MessageId, kz_doc:attachment_names(Doc)); {'error', _}=Error -> Error end. -spec write_attachment_to_file(kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:ne_binaries()) -> {'ok', kz_term:ne_binary()} | {'error', any()}. write_attachment_to_file(AccountId, MessageId, [AttachmentId]) -> Db = kvm_util:get_db(AccountId, MessageId), {'ok', AttachmentBin} = kz_datamgr:fetch_attachment(Db, MessageId, AttachmentId), FilePath = kz_binary:join([<<"/tmp/_">>, AttachmentId], <<>>), kz_util:write_file(FilePath, AttachmentBin, ['write', 'binary']), lager:debug("saved attachment ~s from ~s in ~s", [AttachmentId, MessageId, FilePath]), {'ok', FilePath}. -spec remove_malform_vm(kapps_call:call(), kz_term:ne_binary()) -> 'ok'. remove_malform_vm(Call, ForwardId) -> AccountDb = kz_util:format_account_db(kapps_call:account_id(Call)), _ = kz_datamgr:del_doc(AccountDb, ForwardId), 'ok'. -type notify_action() :: 'save' | 'delete' | 'nothing'. -spec notify_and_update_meta(kapps_call:call(), kz_term:ne_binary(), integer(), kz_term:proplist()) -> {'ok', kapps_call:call()}. notify_and_update_meta(Call, MediaId, Length, Props) -> BoxId = props:get_value(<<"Box-Id">>, Props), NotifyAction = props:get_atom_value(<<"After-Notify-Action">>, Props, 'nothing'), case kvm_util:publish_saved_notify(MediaId, BoxId, Call, Length, Props) of {'ok', JObjs} -> NewAction = is_notified_successfully(Call, MediaId, JObjs, NotifyAction), maybe_update_meta(Length, NewAction, Call, MediaId, BoxId); {'timeout', JObjs} -> NewAction = is_notified_successfully(Call, MediaId, JObjs, NotifyAction), maybe_update_meta(Length, NewAction, Call, MediaId, BoxId); {'error', _R} -> AccountId = kapps_call:account_id(Call), lager:debug("failed to send new voicemail notification for message ~s in account ~s: ~p" ,[MediaId, AccountId, _R] ), maybe_update_meta(Length, 'nothing', Call, MediaId, BoxId) end. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc If notification was successfully processed return the NotifyAction. %% Otherwise return action 'nothing' to store the message as new voicemail. %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec is_notified_successfully(kapps_call:call(), kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_json:objects(), notify_action()) -> notify_action(). is_notified_successfully(Call, _MediaId, [], _) -> lager:debug("failed to send new voicemail notification for message ~s in account ~s: timeout", [_MediaId, kapps_call:account_id(Call)]), 'nothing'; is_notified_successfully(Call, MediaId, [JObj|JObjs], NotifyAction) -> case kz_json:get_ne_binary_value(<<"Status">>, JObj) of <<"completed">> -> NotifyAction; <<"disabled">> -> 'nothing'; <<"ignored">> -> 'nothing'; <<"failed">> -> 'nothing'; _Status -> is_notified_successfully(Call, MediaId, JObjs, NotifyAction) end. -spec maybe_update_meta(pos_integer(), notify_action(), kapps_call:call(), kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:ne_binary()) -> {'ok', kapps_call:call()}. maybe_update_meta(Length, Action, Call, MediaId, BoxId) -> case Action of 'delete' -> lager:debug("attachment was sent out via notification, set folder to delete"), Fun = [fun(JObj) -> kzd_box_message:apply_folder({?VM_FOLDER_DELETED, 'false'}, JObj) end ], update_metadata(Call, BoxId, MediaId, Fun); 'save' -> lager:debug("attachment was sent out via notification, set folder to saved"), Fun = [fun(JObj) -> kzd_box_message:apply_folder(?VM_FOLDER_SAVED, JObj) end ], update_metadata(Call, BoxId, MediaId, Fun); 'nothing' -> Timestamp = kz_time:now_s(), kvm_util:publish_voicemail_saved(Length, BoxId, Call, MediaId, Timestamp), {'ok', Call} end. -spec update_metadata(kapps_call:call(), kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:ne_binary(), update_funs()) -> {'ok', kapps_call:call()}. update_metadata(Call, BoxId, MessageId, UpdateFuns) -> AccountId = kapps_call:account_id(Call), case update(AccountId, BoxId, MessageId, UpdateFuns) of {'ok', _} -> {'ok', Call}; {'error', _R} -> lager:info("error while updating voicemail metadata: ~p", [_R]), {'ok', Call} end. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc Double check document to make sure it's not exists in db. %% Using `kz_datamgr:ensure_save` is more efficient here, but %% we're doing this fetch/retry for proof of concept whether document's id %% had collision or not. %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec maybe_retry_conflict(kapps_call:call() | 'undefined', kz_json:object(), fun((kz_json:object()) -> db_ret())) -> db_ret(). maybe_retry_conflict(Call, JObj, DieAnotherDay) -> case fetch(kz_doc:account_id(JObj), kz_doc:id(JObj)) of {'ok', SavedJObj} -> check_for_collision(Call, JObj, SavedJObj, DieAnotherDay); {'error', 'timeout'} -> DieAnotherDay(JObj); {'error', 'not_found'} -> DieAnotherDay(JObj); {'error', _}=Error -> Error end. -spec check_for_collision(kapps_call:call() | 'undefined', kz_json:object(), kz_json:object(), fun((kz_json:object()) -> db_ret())) -> db_ret(). check_for_collision(Call, JObj, SavedJObj, DieAnotherDay) -> OrigPublic = kz_doc:public_fields(JObj), SavedPublic = kz_doc:public_fields(SavedJObj), case kz_json:are_equal(OrigPublic, SavedPublic) of 'true' -> Msg = io_lib:format("saving new voicemail ~s in account ~p resulted in conflict but it saved to db anyway" ,[kz_doc:id(JObj), kz_doc:account_id(JObj)] ), Subject = <<"Conflict during saving new voicemail message">>, send_system_alert(Call, kz_doc:account_id(JObj), Subject, kz_term:to_binary(Msg)), {'ok', SavedJObj}; 'false' -> Msg = io_lib:format("found document id collision during saving a new voicemail, id ~s account_id ~p" ,[kz_doc:id(JObj), kz_doc:account_id(JObj)] ), lager:critical(Msg), Subject = <<"Document ID collision detected">>, send_system_alert(Call, kz_doc:account_id(JObj), Subject, kz_term:to_binary(Msg)), NewId = give_me_another_id(kz_doc:id(JObj)), NewJObj = kzd_box_message:update_media_id(NewId, JObj), DieAnotherDay(kz_doc:set_id(NewJObj, NewId)) end. -spec give_me_another_id(kz_term:ne_binary()) -> kz_term:ne_binary(). give_me_another_id(?MATCH_MODB_PREFIX(Year, Month, _)) -> kazoo_modb_util:modb_id(Year, Month). -spec send_system_alert(kapps_call:call() | 'undefined', kz_term:api_ne_binary(), kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:ne_binary()) -> 'ok'. send_system_alert('undefined', AccountId, Subject, Msg) -> Notify = [{<<"Message">>, Msg} ,{<<"Subject">>, <<"System Alert: ", Subject/binary>>} ,{<<"Account-ID">>, AccountId} | kz_api:default_headers(?APP_VERSION, ?APP_NAME) ], kz_amqp_worker:cast(Notify, fun kapi_notifications:publish_system_alert/1); send_system_alert(Call, AccountId, Subject, Msg) -> Notify = [{<<"Message">>, Msg} ,{<<"Subject">>, <<"System Alert: ", Subject/binary>>} ,{<<"Details">>, kapps_call:to_json(Call)} ,{<<"Account-ID">>, AccountId} | kz_api:default_headers(?APP_VERSION, ?APP_NAME) ], kz_amqp_worker:cast(Notify, fun kapi_notifications:publish_system_alert/1).