%%%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @copyright (C) 2010-2018, 2600Hz %%% @doc Store routing keys/pid bindings. When a binding is fired, %%% pass the payload to the pid for evaluation, accumulating %%% the results for the response to the running process. %%% %%% foo.erl -> bind("module.init"). %%% *** Later *** %%% module.erl %%% init() -> run("module.init", {some, "payload", 4, <<"You">>}). %%% foo ! Payload, %%% receive -> Resp %%% init() <- [Resp] %%% init() -> Decides what to do with responses %%% %%% @author James Aimonetti %%% @author Karl Anderson %%% @end %%%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(kazoo_bindings_tests). -ifdef(PROPER). -export([expanded_paths/0]). - include_lib("proper/include/proper.hrl"). -endif. -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). -include_lib("kazoo_stdlib/include/kz_types.hrl"). %% EUNIT and PropEr TESTING %% -spec binding_matches(kz_term:ne_binary(), binary()) -> boolean(). binding_matches(B, R) -> BRev = lists:reverse(binary:split(B, <<".">>, ['global'])), RRev = lists:reverse(binary:split(R, <<".">>, ['global'])), kazoo_bindings:matches(BRev, RRev). -define(ROUTINGS, [<<"foo.bar.zot">> ,<<"foo.quux.zot">> ,<<"foo.bar.quux.zot">> ,<<"foo.zot">> ,<<"foo">> ,<<"xap">> ]). -define(BINDINGS, [{<<"#">>, ['true', 'true', 'true', 'true', 'true', 'true']} ,{<<"foo.*.zot">>, ['true', 'true', 'false', 'false', 'false', 'false']} ,{<<"foo.#.zot">>, ['true', 'true', 'true', 'true', 'false', 'false']} ,{<<"*.bar.#">>, ['true', 'false', 'true', 'false', 'false', 'false']} ,{<<"*">>, ['false', 'false', 'false', 'false', 'true', 'true']} ,{<<"#.tow">>, ['false', 'false', 'false', 'false', 'false', 'false']} ,{<<"#.quux.zot">>, ['false', 'true', 'true', 'false', 'false', 'false']} ,{<<"xap.#">>, ['false', 'false', 'false', 'false', 'false', 'true']} ,{<<"#.*">>, ['true', 'true', 'true', 'true', 'true', 'true']} ,{<<"#.bar.*">>, ['true', 'false', 'false', 'false', 'false', 'false']} ]). bindings_match_test_() -> lists:map(fun({B, _}=Expected) -> Actual = lists:foldr(fun(R, Acc) -> [binding_matches(B, R) | Acc] end, [], ?ROUTINGS), ?_assertEqual(Expected, {B, Actual}) end ,?BINDINGS ). %% Left commented out because this was really useful for stepping through %% individual tests and I want to keep it here for reference in the future %% dbg_test() -> %% dbg:start(), %% dbg:tracer(), %% dbg:tpl(kazoo_bindings, [{'_', [], [$_]}]), %% dbg:p(all, c), %% Result = binding_matches(<<"W0.*.m.m.#">>, <<"W0.m.m.m.5">>), %% dbg:stop_clear(), %% dbg:stop(), %% ?assertEqual('true', Result). weird_bindings_test_() -> [?_assertEqual('true', binding_matches(<<"#.A.*">>, <<"A.a.A.a">>)) ,?_assertEqual('true', binding_matches(<<"#.*">>, <<"foo">>)) ,?_assertEqual('true', binding_matches(<<"#.*">>, <<"foo.bar">>)) ,?_assertEqual('false', binding_matches(<<"foo.#.*">>, <<"foo">>)) ,?_assertEqual('false', binding_matches(<<"#.*">>, <<>>)) ,?_assertEqual('true', binding_matches(<<"#.6.*.1.4.*">>, <<"6.a.a.6.a.1.4.a">>)) ,?_assertEqual('true', binding_matches(<<"*.u.*.7.7.#">>, <<"i.u.e.7.7.7.a">>)) ,?_assertEqual('true', binding_matches(<<"#.c.#.c.#">>, <<"c.c">>)) ,?_assertEqual('true', binding_matches(<<"#.Z.*.9.0.#">>, <<"1.Z.">>)) ,?_assertEqual('true', binding_matches(<<"W0.*.m.m.#">>, <<"W0.m.m.m.5">>)) ]. %%% PropEr tests %% Checks that the patterns for paths (a.#.*.c) match or do not %% match a given expanded path. -ifdef(PROPER). expands_test_() -> {"Running PropEr tests" ,{'timeout' ,50000 ,?_assertEqual('true', proper:quickcheck(prop_expands(), [{'numtests', 10000}])) } }. prop_expands() -> ?FORALL(Paths ,expanded_paths(), ?WHENFAIL(io:format("Failed on ~p~n", [Paths]) ,lists:all(fun kz_term:identity/1, [binding_matches(Pattern, Expanded) =:= Expected || {Pattern, Expanded, Expected} <- Paths ]) ) ). %%% GENERATORS %% Gives a list of paths that were expanded, some of them to fail on purpose, %% some of them not to. expanded_paths() -> ?LET(P, path(), begin B = list_to_binary(P), ?LET({{Expanded1, IsRight1},{Expanded2, IsRight2}}, {wrong(P), right(P)}, [{B, list_to_binary(Expanded1), IsRight1}, {B, list_to_binary(Expanded2), IsRight2} ]) end). %% Tries to make a pattern wrong. Will not always succeed because a pattern %% like "#" can be anything at all. %% %% Returns {Str, ShouldMatchOriginal}. wrong(Path) -> ?LET(P, Path, wrong(P, 'true', [])). %% Will expand the patterns according to the rules so they should always match %% %% Returns {Str, ShouldMatchOriginal}. right(Path) -> ?LET(P, Path, {right1(P), 'true'}). %% Here's why some patterns will always succeed even if we try to make them %% wrong. In a given string S, we could add segments, but some subpatterns %% would have a chance to fix the problem we created. See a.*.#, which means %% 'at least two segments' but still matches (albeit wrongly) a.b if we drop %% a section of the text, replace it by one, or add two of them. It can %% technically be done, but we would need a strong lookahead for that. %% This is especially the case of .#., which we will have to simply ignore. %% %% Returns {Str, ShouldMatchOriginal}. wrong([], Bool, Acc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc), Bool}; wrong("*.#." ++ Rest, Bool, Acc) -> %% the # messes stuff up, can't invalidate wrong(Rest, Bool, Acc); wrong("*.#", Bool, Acc) -> %% same as above, end of string {lists:reverse(Acc), Bool}; wrong("*." ++ Rest, _Bool, Acc) -> wrong(Rest, 'false', Acc); wrong(".*", _Bool, Acc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc), 'false'}; wrong(".#." ++ Rest, Bool, Acc) -> %% can't make this one wrong wrong(Rest, Bool, [$.|Acc]); wrong("#." ++ Rest, Bool, Acc) -> %% same, start of string wrong(Rest, Bool, Acc); wrong(".#", Bool, Acc) -> %% same as above, end of string {lists:reverse(Acc), Bool}; wrong([Char|Rest], Bool, Acc) when Char =/= $*, Char =/= $# -> wrong(Rest, Bool, [Char|Acc]). %% Returns an expanded string according to the rules right1([]) -> []; right1("*" ++ Rest) -> ?LET(S, segment(), S++right1(Rest)); right1(".#" ++ Rest) -> ?LET(X, union([ "", ?LAZY(?LET(S, segment(), [$.]++S)), ?LAZY(?LET({A,B}, {segment(), segment()}, [$.]++A++[$.]++B)), ?LAZY(?LET({A,B,C}, {segment(), segment(), segment()}, [$.]++A++[$.]++B++[$.]++C)) ]), X ++ right1(Rest)); right1("#." ++ Rest) -> ?LET(X, union([ "", ?LAZY(?LET(S, segment(), S++[$.])), ?LAZY(?LET({A,B}, {segment(), segment()}, A++[$.]++B++[$.])), ?LAZY(?LET({A,B,C}, {segment(), segment(), segment()}, A++[$.]++B++[$.]++C++[$.])) ]), X ++ right1(Rest)); right1([Char|Rest]) -> [Char|right1(Rest)]. %% Building a basic pattern/path string path() -> ?LET(Base, ?LAZY(weighted_union([{3,a()}, {1,b()}])), ?LET({H,T}, {union(["*.","#.",""]), union([".*",".#",""])}, H ++ Base ++ T)). a() -> ?LET({X,Y}, {segment(), ?LAZY(union([b(), markers()]))}, X ++ [$.] ++ Y). b() -> ?LET({X,Y}, {segment(), ?LAZY(union([b(), c()]))}, X ++ [$.] ++ Y). c() -> segment(). segment() -> ?SUCHTHAT( X, list(union([choose($a,$z), choose($A,$Z), choose($0,$9)])), length(X) =/= 0 ). markers() -> ?LET(S, ?LAZY(union([[$#, $., c()], [$*, $., b()]])), lists:flatten(S)). -endif.