%%%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @copyright (C) 2012-2019, 2600Hz %%% @doc Worker with a dedicated targeted queue. %%% Inserts Queue Name as the `Server-ID' and proxies the AMQP request %%% (expects responses to the request). %%% %%% There are two primary interactions, `call' and `call_collect': %%%
The semantics of call are similar to `gen_server''s call: send a %%% request, expect a response back (or timeout)
uses the timeout to collect responses (successful or not) %%% and returns the resulting list of responses
%%% %%% @author James Aimonetti %%% @end %%%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(kz_amqp_worker). -behaviour(gen_listener). %% API -export([start_link/1 ,call/2, call/3, call/4, call/5 ,call_collect/2, call_collect/3, call_collect/4 ,call_custom/4, call_custom/5 ,cast/2, cast/3 ,relay_to/2, stop_relay/2 ,default_timeout/0 ,collect_until_timeout/0 ,collect_from_whapp/1 ,collect_from_whapp_or_validate/2 ,send_request/4 ,checkout_worker/0, checkout_worker/1 ,checkin_worker/1, checkin_worker/2 ,worker_pool/0, worker_pool/1 ]). %% gen_listener callbacks -export([init/1 ,handle_call/3 ,handle_cast/2 ,handle_info/2 ,handle_event/2 ,terminate/2 ,code_change/3 ]). -include("kz_amqp_util.hrl"). -define(SERVER, ?MODULE). -define(FUDGE, 2600). -define(BINDINGS, [{'self', []}]). -define(QUEUE_NAME, <<>>). -define(QUEUE_OPTIONS, []). -define(CONSUME_OPTIONS, []). -type publish_fun() :: fun((kz_term:api_terms()) -> any()). -type validate_fun() :: fun((kz_term:api_terms()) -> boolean()). -type collect_until_acc() :: any(). -type collect_until_acc_fun() :: fun((kz_json:objects(), collect_until_acc()) -> boolean() | {boolean(), collect_until_acc()}). -type collect_until_fun() :: fun((kz_json:objects()) -> boolean()) | collect_until_acc_fun() | {collect_until_acc_fun(), collect_until_acc()}. -type whapp() :: atom() | kz_term:ne_binary(). -type collect_until() :: collect_until_fun() | whapp() | {whapp(), validate_fun() | boolean()} | %% {Whapp, VFun | IncludeFederated} {whapp(), validate_fun(), boolean()} | %% {Whapp, VFun, IncludeFederated} {whapp(), boolean(), boolean()} | %% {Whapp, IncludeFederated, IsShared} {whapp(), validate_fun(), boolean(), boolean()}. %% {Whapp, VFun, IncludeFederated, IsShared} -type timeout_or_until() :: timeout() | collect_until(). %% case {IsFederated, IsShared} of %% {'true', 'true'} -> Get from {0,1} whapp instance per zone %% {'false', 'true'} -> %% Get from {0,1} whapp instance in the local zone %% _Otherwise -> Get from all instances, either local or federated -export_type([publish_fun/0 ,validate_fun/0 ,collect_until/0 ,timeout_or_until/0 ,request_return/0 ,cast_return/0 ]). -record(state, {current_msg_id :: kz_term:api_binary() ,client_pid :: kz_term:api_pid() ,client_ref :: kz_term:api_reference() ,client_from :: kz_term:api_pid_ref() | 'relay' ,client_vfun :: validate_fun() | 'undefined' ,client_cfun = collect_until_timeout() :: collect_until_fun() ,responses :: kz_term:api_objects() ,neg_resp :: kz_term:api_object() ,neg_resp_count = 0 :: non_neg_integer() ,neg_resp_threshold = 1 :: pos_integer() ,req_timeout_ref :: kz_term:api_reference() ,req_start_time :: kz_time:now() | 'undefined' ,callid :: kz_term:api_binary() ,pool_ref :: kz_types:server_ref() ,defer_response :: kz_term:api_object() ,queue :: kz_term:api_binary() ,confirms = 'false' :: boolean() ,flow = 'undefined' :: kz_term:api_boolean() ,acc = 'undefined' :: any() ,defer = 'undefined' :: 'undefined' | {any(), {pid(), reference()}} ,confirm_timeout_ref :: kz_term:api_reference() ,confirm_start_time :: kz_time:now() | 'undefined' ,timeout :: non_neg_integer() | 'undefined' ,method :: atom() ,reply_to :: kz_term:api_pid_ref() }). -type state() :: #state{}. %%%============================================================================= %%% API %%%============================================================================= %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc Starts the server. %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec start_link(kz_term:proplist()) -> kz_types:startlink_ret(). start_link(Args) -> gen_listener:start_link(?SERVER, [{'bindings', maybe_bindings(Args)} ,{'queue_name', maybe_queuename(Args)} ,{'queue_options', ?QUEUE_OPTIONS} ,{'consume_options', ?CONSUME_OPTIONS} | maybe_broker(Args) ++ maybe_exchanges(Args) ++ maybe_server_confirms(Args) ], [Args]). -spec maybe_broker(kz_term:proplist()) -> kz_term:proplist(). maybe_broker(Args) -> case props:get_value('amqp_broker', Args) of 'undefined' -> []; Broker -> [{'broker', Broker}] end. -spec maybe_queuename(kz_term:proplist()) -> binary(). maybe_queuename(Args) -> case props:get_value('amqp_queuename_start', Args) of 'undefined' -> ?QUEUE_NAME; QueueStart -> <<(kz_term:to_binary(QueueStart))/binary, "_", (kz_binary:rand_hex(4))/binary>> end. -spec maybe_bindings(kz_term:proplist()) -> kz_term:proplist(). maybe_bindings(Args) -> case props:get_value('amqp_bindings', Args) of 'undefined' -> ?BINDINGS; Bindings -> Bindings end. -spec maybe_exchanges(kz_term:proplist()) -> kz_term:proplist(). maybe_exchanges(Args) -> case props:get_value('amqp_exchanges', Args) of 'undefined' -> []; Exchanges -> [{'declare_exchanges', Exchanges}] end. -spec maybe_server_confirms(kz_term:proplist()) -> kz_term:proplist(). maybe_server_confirms(Args) -> case props:get_value('amqp_server_confirms', Args) of 'undefined' -> []; Confirms -> [{'server_confirms', Confirms}] end. -spec default_timeout() -> 2000. default_timeout() -> 2 * ?MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND. -type request_return() :: {'ok', kz_json:object() | kz_json:objects()} | {'returned', kz_json:object(), kz_json:object()} | {'timeout', kz_json:objects()} | {'error', any()}. -spec call(kz_term:api_terms(), publish_fun()) -> request_return(). call(Req, PubFun) -> call(Req, PubFun, fun kz_term:always_true/1). -spec call(kz_term:api_terms(), publish_fun(), validate_fun()) -> request_return(). call(Req, PubFun, VFun) -> call(Req, PubFun, VFun, default_timeout()). -spec call(kz_term:api_terms(), publish_fun(), validate_fun(), timeout()) -> request_return(). call(Req, PubFun, VFun, Timeout) -> case next_worker() of {'error', _}=E -> E; Worker -> call(Req, PubFun, VFun, Timeout, Worker) end. -spec call(kz_term:api_terms(), publish_fun(), validate_fun(), timeout(), pid() | atom()) -> request_return(). call(Req, PubFun, VFun, Timeout, Pool) when is_atom(Pool) -> case next_worker(Pool) of {'error', _}=E -> E; Worker -> call(Req, PubFun, VFun, Timeout, Worker) end; call(Req, PubFun, VFun, Timeout, Worker) when is_pid(Worker) -> Prop = maybe_convert_to_proplist(Req), try gen_listener:call(Worker ,{'request', Prop, PubFun, VFun, Timeout} ,fudge_timeout(Timeout) ) catch 'exit':{timeout, _} -> lager:warning("request timeout"), {error, timeout}; _E:R -> lager:warning("request failed: ~s: ~p", [_E, R]), {'error', R} after checkin_worker(Worker) end. -type pool_error() :: 'pool_full' | 'poolboy_fault'. -spec next_worker() -> pid() | {'error', pool_error()}. next_worker() -> next_worker(worker_pool()). -spec next_worker(atom()) -> pid() | {'error', pool_error()}. next_worker(Pool) -> try poolboy:checkout(Pool, 'false', default_timeout()) of 'full' -> {'error', 'pool_full'}; Worker -> Worker catch _E:_R -> lager:warning("poolboy exception: ~s: ~p", [_E, _R]), {'error', 'poolboy_fault'} end. -spec checkout_worker() -> {'ok', pid()} | {'error', pool_error()}. checkout_worker() -> checkout_worker(worker_pool()). -spec checkout_worker(atom()) -> {'ok', pid()} | {'error', pool_error()}. checkout_worker(Pool) -> try poolboy:checkout(Pool, 'false', default_timeout()) of 'full' -> {'error', 'pool_full'}; Worker -> {'ok', Worker} catch _E:_R -> lager:warning("poolboy exception: ~s: ~p", [_E, _R]), {'error', 'poolboy_fault'} end. -spec checkin_worker(pid()) -> 'ok'. checkin_worker(Worker) -> checkin_worker(Worker, worker_pool()). -spec checkin_worker(pid(), atom()) -> 'ok'. checkin_worker(Worker, Pool) -> poolboy:checkin(Pool, Worker). -spec call_custom(kz_term:api_terms(), publish_fun(), validate_fun(), gen_listener:binding()) -> request_return(). call_custom(Req, PubFun, VFun, Bind) -> call_custom(Req, PubFun, VFun, default_timeout(), Bind). -spec call_custom(kz_term:api_terms(), publish_fun(), validate_fun(), timeout(), gen_listener:binding()) -> request_return(). call_custom(Req, PubFun, VFun, Timeout, Bind) -> case next_worker() of {'error', _}=E -> E; Worker -> call_custom(Req, PubFun, VFun, Timeout, Bind, Worker) end. -spec call_custom(kz_term:api_terms(), publish_fun(), validate_fun(), timeout(), gen_listener:binding(), pid()) -> request_return(). call_custom(Req, PubFun, VFun, Timeout, Bind, Worker) -> Prop = maybe_convert_to_proplist(Req), gen_listener:add_binding(Worker, Bind), try gen_listener:call(Worker ,{'request', Prop, PubFun, VFun, Timeout} ,fudge_timeout(Timeout) ) catch _E:R -> lager:debug("request failed: ~s: ~p", [_E, R]), {'error', R} after gen_listener:rm_binding(Worker, Bind), checkin_worker(Worker) end. -spec call_collect(kz_term:api_terms(), publish_fun()) -> request_return(). call_collect(Req, PubFun) -> call_collect(Req, PubFun, default_timeout()). -spec call_collect(kz_term:api_terms(), publish_fun(), timeout_or_until()) -> request_return(). call_collect(Req, PubFun, UntilFun) when is_function(UntilFun) -> call_collect(Req, PubFun, UntilFun, default_timeout()); call_collect(Req, PubFun, Whapp) when is_atom(Whapp); is_binary(Whapp) -> call_collect(Req, PubFun, Whapp, default_timeout()); call_collect(Req, PubFun, {_, _}=Until) -> call_collect(Req, PubFun, Until, default_timeout()); call_collect(Req, PubFun, {_, _, _}=Until) -> call_collect(Req, PubFun, Until, default_timeout()); call_collect(Req, PubFun, {_, _, _, _}=Until) -> call_collect(Req, PubFun, Until, default_timeout()); call_collect(Req, PubFun, Timeout) -> call_collect(Req, PubFun, collect_until_timeout(), Timeout). -spec call_collect(kz_term:api_terms(), publish_fun(), collect_until(), timeout()) -> request_return(). call_collect(_Req, _PubFun, 'undefined', _Timeout) -> lager:debug("no VFun, no responses"), {'ok', []}; call_collect(Req, PubFun, {Whapp, IncludeFederated}, Timeout) when (is_atom(Whapp) orelse is_binary(Whapp) ) andalso is_boolean(IncludeFederated) -> CollectFromWhapp = collect_from_whapp(Whapp, IncludeFederated), call_collect(Req, PubFun, CollectFromWhapp, Timeout); call_collect(Req, PubFun, {Whapp, VFun}, Timeout) when (is_atom(Whapp) orelse is_binary(Whapp) ) andalso is_function(VFun) -> CollectFromWhapp = collect_from_whapp_or_validate(Whapp, VFun), call_collect(Req, PubFun, CollectFromWhapp, Timeout); call_collect(Req, PubFun, {Whapp, IncludeFederated, IsShared}, Timeout) when (is_atom(Whapp) orelse is_binary(Whapp) ) andalso is_boolean(IncludeFederated) andalso is_boolean(IsShared) -> CollectFromWhapp = collect_from_whapp(Whapp, IncludeFederated, IsShared), call_collect(Req, PubFun, CollectFromWhapp, Timeout); call_collect(Req, PubFun, {Whapp, VFun, IncludeFederated}, Timeout) when (is_atom(Whapp) orelse is_binary(Whapp) ) andalso is_function(VFun) andalso is_boolean(IncludeFederated) -> CollectFromWhapp = collect_from_whapp_or_validate(Whapp, VFun, IncludeFederated), call_collect(Req, PubFun, CollectFromWhapp, Timeout); call_collect(Req, PubFun, {Whapp, VFun, IncludeFederated, IsShared}, Timeout) when (is_atom(Whapp) orelse is_binary(Whapp) ) andalso is_function(VFun) andalso is_boolean(IncludeFederated) andalso is_boolean(IsShared) -> CollectFromWhapp = collect_from_whapp_or_validate(Whapp, VFun, IncludeFederated, IsShared), call_collect(Req, PubFun, CollectFromWhapp, Timeout); call_collect(Req, PubFun, Whapp, Timeout) when is_atom(Whapp) orelse is_binary(Whapp) -> call_collect(Req, PubFun, collect_from_whapp(Whapp), Timeout); call_collect(Req, PubFun, UntilFun, Timeout) when is_integer(Timeout) andalso Timeout >= 0 -> case next_worker() of {'error', _}=E -> lager:debug("failed to get next worker: ~p", [E]), E; Worker -> call_collect(Req, PubFun, UntilFun, Timeout, Worker) end. -spec call_collect(kz_term:api_terms(), publish_fun(), collect_until(), timeout(), pid()) -> request_return(). call_collect(Req, PubFun, {UntilFun, Acc}, Timeout, Worker) when is_function(UntilFun, 2) -> call_collect(Req, PubFun, UntilFun, Timeout, Acc, Worker); call_collect(Req, PubFun, UntilFun, Timeout, Worker) -> call_collect(Req, PubFun, UntilFun, Timeout, 'undefined', Worker). call_collect(Req, PubFun, UntilFun, Timeout, Acc, Worker) -> Prop = maybe_convert_to_proplist(Req), try gen_listener:call(Worker ,{'call_collect', Prop, PubFun, UntilFun, Timeout, Acc} ,fudge_timeout(Timeout) ) catch _E:R -> lager:debug("request failed: ~s: ~p", [_E, R]), {'error', R} after checkin_worker(Worker) end. -type cast_return() :: 'ok' | {'error', any()} | {'returned', kz_json:object(), kz_json:object()}. -spec cast(kz_term:api_terms(), publish_fun()) -> cast_return(). cast(Req, PubFun) -> cast(Req, PubFun, worker_pool()). -spec cast(kz_term:api_terms(), publish_fun(), pid() | atom()) -> cast_return(). cast(Req, PubFun, Pool) when is_atom(Pool) -> case next_worker(Pool) of {'error', _}=E -> E; Worker -> Resp = cast(Req, PubFun, Worker), checkin_worker(Worker, Pool), Resp end; cast(Req, PubFun, Worker) when is_pid(Worker) -> Prop = maybe_convert_to_proplist(Req), try gen_listener:call(Worker, {'publish', Prop, PubFun}) catch _E:R -> lager:debug("request failed: ~s: ~p", [_E, R]), {'error', R} end. -spec relay_to(pid() | atom(), pid()) -> 'ok'. relay_to(Worker, RelayPid) -> gen_listener:call(Worker, {'relay_to', RelayPid}). -spec stop_relay(pid() | atom(), pid()) -> 'ok'. stop_relay(Worker, RelayPid) -> gen_listener:call(Worker, {'stop_relay', RelayPid}). -spec collect_until_timeout() -> collect_until_fun(). collect_until_timeout() -> fun kz_term:always_false/1. -spec collect_from_whapp(kz_term:text()) -> 'undefined' | collect_until_fun(). collect_from_whapp(Whapp) -> collect_from_whapp(Whapp, 'false'). -spec collect_from_whapp(kz_term:text(), boolean()) -> 'undefined' | collect_until_fun(). collect_from_whapp(Whapp, IncludeFederated) -> collect_from_whapp(Whapp, IncludeFederated, 'false'). -spec collect_from_whapp(kz_term:text(), boolean(), boolean()) -> 'undefined' | collect_until_fun(). collect_from_whapp(Whapp, IncludeFederated, IsShared) -> Count = case {IncludeFederated, IsShared} of {'true', 'true'} -> kz_nodes:whapp_zone_count(Whapp); %% Get from {0,1} whapp instance per zone {'false', 'true'} -> 1; %% Get from one whapp instance _ -> kz_nodes:whapp_count(Whapp, IncludeFederated) %% Get from all instances, either local or federated end, lager:debug("attempting to collect ~p responses from ~s", [Count, Whapp]), count_fun(Count). -spec count_fun(non_neg_integer()) -> 'undefined' | collect_until_fun(). count_fun(0) -> 'undefined'; count_fun(Count) -> fun(Responses) -> length(Responses) >= Count end. -spec collect_from_whapp_or_validate(kz_term:text(), validate_fun()) -> collect_until_fun(). collect_from_whapp_or_validate(Whapp, VFun) -> collect_from_whapp_or_validate(Whapp, VFun, 'false'). -spec collect_from_whapp_or_validate(kz_term:text(),validate_fun(), boolean()) -> collect_until_fun(). collect_from_whapp_or_validate(Whapp, VFun, IncludeFederated) -> collect_from_whapp_or_validate(Whapp, VFun, IncludeFederated, 'false'). -spec collect_from_whapp_or_validate(kz_term:text(),validate_fun(), boolean(), boolean()) -> collect_until_fun(). collect_from_whapp_or_validate(Whapp, VFun, 'true', 'true') -> Count = kz_nodes:whapp_zone_count(Whapp), lager:debug("attempting to collect ~p responses from ~s or the first valid", [Count, Whapp]), collect_or_validate_fun(VFun, Count); collect_from_whapp_or_validate(Whapp, VFun, 'false', 'true') -> Count = 1, lager:debug("attempting to collect ~p responses from ~s or the first valid", [Count, Whapp]), collect_or_validate_fun(VFun, Count); collect_from_whapp_or_validate(Whapp, VFun, IncludeFederated, 'false') -> Count = kz_nodes:whapp_count(Whapp, IncludeFederated), lager:debug("attempting to collect ~p responses from ~s or the first valid", [Count, Whapp]), collect_or_validate_fun(VFun, Count). -spec collect_or_validate_fun(validate_fun(), pos_integer()) -> collect_until_fun(). collect_or_validate_fun(VFun, 0) -> fun([Response|_]) -> VFun(Response) end; collect_or_validate_fun(VFun, Count) -> fun([Response|_]=Responses) -> length(Responses) >= Count orelse VFun(Response) end. -spec send_request(kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_term:ne_binary(), publish_fun(), kz_term:proplist()) -> 'ok' | {'error', any()}. send_request(CallId, Self, PublishFun, ReqProps) when is_function(PublishFun, 1) -> kz_util:put_callid(CallId), FilteredProps = request_filter(ReqProps), Props = request_filter(props:set_values([{?KEY_SERVER_ID, Self} ,{?KEY_QUEUE_ID, props:get_value(?KEY_SERVER_ID, FilteredProps)} ,{?KEY_LOG_ID, CallId} ] ,FilteredProps )), try PublishFun(Props) of 'ok' -> 'ok' catch _R:E -> lager:debug("failed to publish: ~s: ~p", [_R, E]), kz_util:log_stacktrace(), {'error', E} end. -spec request_filter(kz_term:proplist()) -> kz_term:proplist(). request_filter(Props) -> props:filter(fun request_proplist_filter/1, Props). -spec request_proplist_filter({kz_term:proplist_key(), kz_term:proplist_value()}) -> boolean(). request_proplist_filter({<<"Server-ID">>, Value}) -> not kz_term:is_empty(Value); request_proplist_filter({_, 'undefined'}) -> 'false'; request_proplist_filter(_) -> 'true'. %%%============================================================================= %%% gen_server callbacks %%%============================================================================= %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc Initializes the server. %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec init(list()) -> {'ok', state()}. init([Args]) -> kz_util:put_callid(?DEFAULT_LOG_SYSTEM_ID), lager:debug("starting amqp worker"), NegThreshold = props:get_value('neg_resp_threshold', Args, 1), Pool = props:get_value('name', Args, 'undefined'), {'ok', #state{neg_resp_threshold=NegThreshold ,pool_ref=Pool }}. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc Handling call messages. %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec handle_call(any(), kz_term:pid_ref(), state()) -> kz_types:handle_call_ret_state(state()). handle_call(Call, From, #state{queue='undefined'}=State) when is_tuple(Call) -> kz_util:put_callid(element(2, Call)), lager:debug("unable to publish message prior to queue creation - deferring"), {'noreply', State#state{defer={Call,From}}}; handle_call(_, _, #state{flow='false'}=State) -> lager:debug("flow control is active and server put us in waiting"), {'reply', {'error', 'flow_control'}, reset(State)}; handle_call({'relay_to', RelayPid}, _From, State) -> {'reply', 'ok', State#state{client_pid=RelayPid ,client_ref=erlang:monitor('process', RelayPid) ,client_from='relay' } }; handle_call({'stop_relay', RelayPid}, _From, #state{client_pid=RelayPid ,client_ref=Ref ,client_from='relay' }=State) -> erlang:demonitor(Ref, ['flush']), lager:debug("stopping relay to ~p", [RelayPid]), {'reply', 'ok', reset(State)}; handle_call({'request', ReqProp, PublishFun, VFun, Timeout} ,{ClientPid, _}=From ,#state{queue=Q, confirms=Confirm}=State ) -> _ = kz_util:put_callid(ReqProp), CallId = get('callid'), MsgId = kz_api:msg_reply_id(ReqProp), case send_request(CallId, Q, PublishFun, ReqProp) of 'ok' when Confirm =:= 'true' -> lager:debug("published request with msg id ~s for ~p waiting for confirmation", [MsgId, ClientPid]), {'noreply' ,State#state{client_pid = ClientPid ,client_ref = erlang:monitor('process', ClientPid) ,client_from = From ,client_vfun = VFun ,responses = 'undefined' % how we know not to collect any responses ,neg_resp_count = 0 ,current_msg_id = MsgId ,confirm_timeout_ref = start_confirm_timeout(Timeout) ,confirm_start_time = os:timestamp() ,timeout = Timeout ,method = 'request' ,callid = CallId } }; 'ok' -> lager:debug("published request with msg id ~s for ~p", [MsgId, ClientPid]), {'noreply' ,State#state{client_pid = ClientPid ,client_ref = erlang:monitor('process', ClientPid) ,client_from = From ,client_vfun = VFun ,responses = 'undefined' % how we know not to collect any responses ,neg_resp_count = 0 ,current_msg_id = MsgId ,req_timeout_ref = start_req_timeout(Timeout) ,req_start_time = os:timestamp() ,callid = CallId } }; {'error', Err}=Error -> lager:debug("failed to send request: ~p", [Err]), {'reply', Error, reset(State)} end; handle_call({'call_collect', ReqProp, PublishFun, UntilFun, Timeout, Acc} ,{ClientPid, _}=From ,#state{queue=Q, confirms=Confirm}=State ) -> _ = kz_util:put_callid(ReqProp), CallId = get('callid'), MsgId = kz_api:msg_reply_id(ReqProp), case send_request(CallId, Q, PublishFun, ReqProp) of 'ok' when Confirm =:= 'true' -> lager:debug("published request with msg id ~s for ~p waiting for confirmation", [MsgId, ClientPid]), {'noreply' ,State#state{client_pid = ClientPid ,client_ref = erlang:monitor('process', ClientPid) ,client_from = From ,client_cfun = UntilFun ,acc = Acc ,responses = [] % how we know to collect all responses ,neg_resp_count = 0 ,current_msg_id = MsgId ,confirm_timeout_ref = start_confirm_timeout(Timeout) ,confirm_start_time = os:timestamp() ,timeout = Timeout ,method = 'call_collect' ,callid = CallId } }; 'ok' -> lager:debug("published request with msg id ~s for ~p", [MsgId, ClientPid]), {'noreply' ,State#state{client_pid = ClientPid ,client_ref = erlang:monitor('process', ClientPid) ,client_from = From ,client_cfun = UntilFun ,acc = Acc ,responses = [] % how we know to collect all responses ,neg_resp_count = 0 ,current_msg_id = MsgId ,req_timeout_ref = start_req_timeout(Timeout) ,req_start_time = os:timestamp() ,callid = CallId } }; {'error', Err}=Error -> lager:debug("failed to send request: ~p", [Err]), {'reply', Error, reset(State)} end; handle_call({'publish', ReqProp0, PublishFun} ,{_Pid, _}=From ,#state{client_from='relay' ,queue=Queue ,confirms=Confirm }=State ) -> ReqProp = props:insert_value(?KEY_SERVER_ID, Queue, ReqProp0), case publish_api(PublishFun, ReqProp) of 'ok' when Confirm =:= 'true' -> {'noreply', State#state{confirm_timeout_ref = start_confirm_timeout(default_timeout()) ,confirm_start_time = os:timestamp() ,method = 'publish' ,reply_to=From }}; 'ok' -> lager:debug("published message ~s for ~p", [kz_api:msg_id(ReqProp), _Pid]), {'reply', 'ok', State}; {'error', _E}=Err -> lager:error("failed to publish message ~s for ~p: ~p", [kz_api:msg_id(ReqProp), _Pid, _E]), {'reply', Err, State} end; handle_call({'publish', ReqProp, PublishFun} ,{Pid, _}=From ,#state{confirms=Confirm}=State ) -> _ = kz_util:put_callid(ReqProp), case publish_api(PublishFun, ReqProp) of 'ok' when Confirm =:= 'true' -> lager:debug("published message ~s for ~p", [kz_api:msg_id(ReqProp), Pid]), {'noreply' ,State#state{client_pid = Pid ,client_ref = erlang:monitor('process', Pid) ,client_from = From ,confirm_timeout_ref = start_confirm_timeout(default_timeout()) ,confirm_start_time = os:timestamp() ,method = 'publish' ,req_start_time = os:timestamp() } }; 'ok' -> lager:debug("published message ~s for ~p", [kz_api:msg_id(ReqProp), Pid]), {'reply', 'ok', reset(State)}; {'error', _E}=Err -> lager:error("failed to publish message ~s for ~p: ~p", [kz_api:msg_id(ReqProp), Pid, _E]), {'reply', Err, reset(State)} end; handle_call(_Request, _From, State) -> {'reply', {'error', 'not_implemented'}, State}. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc Handling cast messages. %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec handle_cast(any(), state()) -> kz_types:handle_cast_ret_state(state()). handle_cast('hibernate', State) -> {'noreply', State, 'hibernate'}; handle_cast({'gen_listener', {'created_queue', Q}}, #state{defer='undefined'}=State) -> {'noreply', State#state{queue=Q}}; handle_cast({'gen_listener', {'created_queue', Q}}, #state{defer={Call,From}}=State) -> kz_util:put_callid(element(2, Call)), lager:debug("resuming deferred call"), case handle_call(Call, From, State#state{queue=Q}) of {'reply', Reply, NewState} -> gen_server:reply(From, Reply), {'noreply', NewState}; {'noreply', _NewState}=NoReply -> NoReply end; handle_cast({'set_negative_threshold', NegThreshold}, State) -> lager:debug("set negative threshold to ~p", [NegThreshold]), {'noreply', State#state{neg_resp_threshold = NegThreshold}, 'hibernate'}; handle_cast({'gen_listener', {'return', JObj, BasicReturn}} ,#state{current_msg_id = MsgId ,client_from = From ,confirms=Confirms }=State) -> _ = kz_util:put_callid(JObj), case kz_api:msg_id(JObj) of MsgId -> lager:debug("published message was returned from the broker"), gen_server:reply(From, {'returned', JObj, BasicReturn}), {'noreply', reset(State), 'hibernate'}; _MsgId when Confirms =:= 'true' -> lager:debug("published message was returned from the broker"), gen_server:reply(From, {'returned', JObj, BasicReturn}), {'noreply', reset(State), 'hibernate'}; _MsgId -> lager:debug("ignoring published message was returned from the broker"), lager:debug("payload: ~p", [JObj]), lager:debug("return: ~p", [BasicReturn]), {'noreply', State, 'hibernate'} end; handle_cast({'gen_listener', {'confirm', Msg}}, State) -> handle_confirm(Msg, State); handle_cast({'gen_listener',{'is_consuming',_IsConsuming}}, State) -> {'noreply', State}; handle_cast({'gen_listener',{'server_confirms',ServerConfirms}}, State) -> lager:debug("server confirms status : ~p", [ServerConfirms]), {'noreply', State#state{confirms=ServerConfirms}}; handle_cast({'gen_listener',{'channel_flow', 'true'}}, State) -> lager:debug("channel flow enabled"), {'noreply', State#state{flow='true'}}; handle_cast({'gen_listener',{'channel_flow', 'false'}}, State) -> lager:debug("channel flow disabled"), {'noreply', State#state{flow='undefined'}}; handle_cast({'gen_listener',{'channel_flow_control', Active}}, State) -> lager:debug("channel flow is ~p", [Active]), {'noreply', State#state{flow=Active}}; handle_cast(_Msg, State) -> lager:debug("unhandled cast: ~p", [_Msg]), {'noreply', State, 'hibernate'}. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc Handling all non call/cast messages. %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec handle_info(any(), state()) -> kz_types:handle_info_ret_state(state()). handle_info({'DOWN', ClientRef, 'process', _Pid, _Reason} ,#state{current_msg_id = _MsgId ,client_ref = ClientRef ,callid = CallId }=State) -> kz_util:put_callid(CallId), lager:debug("requestor processes ~p died while waiting for msg id ~s", [_Pid, _MsgId]), {'noreply', reset(State), 'hibernate'}; handle_info('timeout' ,#state{neg_resp=ErrorJObj ,neg_resp_count=Thresh ,neg_resp_threshold=Thresh ,client_from={_Pid, _}=From ,responses='undefined' ,defer_response=ReservedJObj }=State) -> case kz_term:is_empty(ReservedJObj) of 'true' -> lager:debug("negative response threshold reached, returning last negative message to ~p", [_Pid]), gen_server:reply(From, {'error', ErrorJObj}); 'false' -> lager:debug("negative response threshold reached, returning deferred response to ~p", [_Pid]), gen_server:reply(From, {'ok', ReservedJObj}) end, {'noreply', reset(State), 'hibernate'}; handle_info('timeout' ,#state{responses=Resps ,client_from=From }=State) when is_list(Resps) -> lager:debug("timeout reached, returning responses"), gen_server:reply(From, {'error', Resps}), {'noreply', reset(State), 'hibernate'}; handle_info('timeout', State) -> {'noreply', State}; handle_info({'timeout', ReqRef, 'req_timeout'} ,#state{current_msg_id= _MsgId ,req_timeout_ref=ReqRef ,callid=CallId ,responses='undefined' ,client_from={_Pid, _}=From ,defer_response=ReservedJObj }=State) -> kz_util:put_callid(CallId), case kz_term:is_empty(ReservedJObj) of 'true' -> lager:debug("request timeout exceeded for msg id: ~s and client: ~p", [_MsgId, _Pid]), gen_server:reply(From, {'error', 'timeout'}); 'false' -> lager:debug("only received deferred response for msg id: ~s and client: ~p", [_MsgId, _Pid]), gen_server:reply(From, {'ok', ReservedJObj}) end, {'noreply', reset(State), 'hibernate'}; handle_info({'timeout', ReqRef, 'req_timeout'} ,#state{responses=Resps ,req_timeout_ref=ReqRef ,client_from=From ,callid=CallId }=State) -> kz_util:put_callid(CallId), lager:debug("req timeout for call_collect"), gen_server:reply(From, {'timeout', Resps}), {'noreply', reset(State), 'hibernate'}; handle_info({'timeout', ReqRef, 'confirm_timeout'}, #state{confirm_timeout_ref=ReqRef}=State) -> handle_publish_timeout(State); handle_info(_Info, State) -> lager:debug("unhandled message: ~p", [_Info]), {'noreply', State}. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc Allows listener to pass options to handlers. %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec handle_event(kz_json:object(), state()) -> gen_listener:handle_event_return(). handle_event(JObj, #state{client_from='relay' ,client_pid=Pid }) -> relay_event(Pid, JObj), lager:debug("relayed event to ~p", [Pid]), 'ignore'; handle_event(JObj, State) -> case handle_payload(kz_api:msg_id(JObj), JObj, State) of {'noreply', NewState} -> {'ignore', NewState}; {'noreply', NewState, 'hibernate'} -> gen_listener:cast(self(), 'hibernate'), {'ignore', NewState} end. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc This function is called by a `gen_server' when it is about to %% terminate. It should be the opposite of `Module:init/1' and do any %% necessary cleaning up. When it returns, the `gen_server' terminates %% with Reason. The return value is ignored. %% %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec terminate(any(), state()) -> 'ok'. terminate(_Reason, _State) -> lager:debug("amqp worker terminating: ~p", [_Reason]). %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc Convert process state when code is changed. %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec code_change(any(), state(), any()) -> {'ok', state()}. code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {'ok', State}. %%%============================================================================= %%% Internal functions %%%============================================================================= %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec reset(#state{}) -> #state{}. reset(#state{req_timeout_ref = ReqRef ,client_ref = ClientRef ,confirm_timeout_ref = ConfirmRef }=State) -> kz_util:put_callid(?DEFAULT_LOG_SYSTEM_ID), _ = case is_reference(ReqRef) of 'true' -> erlang:cancel_timer(ReqRef); 'false' -> 'ok' end, _ = case is_reference(ClientRef) of 'true' -> erlang:demonitor(ClientRef, ['flush']); 'false' -> 'ok' end, _ = case is_reference(ConfirmRef) of 'true' -> erlang:cancel_timer(ConfirmRef); 'false' -> 'ok' end, State#state{client_pid = 'undefined' ,client_ref = 'undefined' ,client_from = 'undefined' ,client_vfun = 'undefined' ,client_cfun = collect_until_timeout() ,neg_resp = 'undefined' ,neg_resp_count = 0 ,current_msg_id = 'undefined' ,req_timeout_ref = 'undefined' ,req_start_time = 'undefined' ,callid = 'undefined' ,defer_response = 'undefined' ,responses = 'undefined' ,confirm_timeout_ref = 'undefined' ,confirm_start_time = 'undefined' ,method = 'undefined' }. -spec fudge_timeout(timeout()) -> timeout(). fudge_timeout('infinity'=T) -> T; fudge_timeout(T) -> T + ?FUDGE. -spec start_req_timeout(timeout()) -> reference(). start_req_timeout('infinity') -> make_ref(); start_req_timeout(Timeout) -> erlang:start_timer(Timeout, self(), 'req_timeout'). -spec start_confirm_timeout(timeout()) -> reference(). start_confirm_timeout('infinity') -> make_ref(); start_confirm_timeout(Timeout) -> erlang:start_timer(Timeout, self(), 'confirm_timeout'). -spec maybe_convert_to_proplist(kz_term:proplist() | kz_json:object()) -> kz_term:proplist(). maybe_convert_to_proplist(Req) -> case kz_json:is_json_object(Req) of 'true' -> maybe_set_msg_id(kz_json:to_proplist(Req)); 'false' -> maybe_set_msg_id(Req) end. -spec maybe_set_msg_id(kz_term:proplist()) -> kz_term:proplist(). maybe_set_msg_id(Props) -> case kz_api:msg_id(Props) of 'undefined' -> props:set_value(<<"Msg-ID">>, kz_binary:rand_hex(8), Props); _MsgId -> Props end. -spec publish_api(fun(), kz_term:api_terms()) -> 'ok' | {'error', any()}. publish_api(PublishFun, ReqProps) -> try PublishFun(ReqProps) of 'ok' -> 'ok'; {'error', _E}=Err -> Err; Other -> lager:error("publisher fun returned ~p instead of 'ok'", [Other]), {'error', Other} catch 'error':'badarg' -> ST = erlang:get_stacktrace(), lager:error("badarg error when publishing:"), kz_util:log_stacktrace(ST), {'error', 'badarg'}; 'error':'function_clause' -> ST = erlang:get_stacktrace(), lager:error("function clause error when publishing:"), kz_util:log_stacktrace(ST), lager:error("pub fun: ~p", [PublishFun]), {'error', 'function_clause'}; _E:R -> lager:error("error when publishing: ~s:~p", [_E, R]), {'error', R} end. -type relay_fun() :: fun((pid() | atom(), any()) -> any()). -spec relay_event(pid(), kz_json:object()) -> any(). relay_event(Pid, JObj) -> relay_event(Pid, JObj, fun erlang:send/2). -spec relay_event(pid(), kz_json:object(), relay_fun()) -> any(). relay_event(Pid, JObj, RelayFun) -> RelayFun(Pid, {'amqp_msg', JObj}). -spec worker_pool(atom()) -> atom(). worker_pool(Pool) -> put('$kz_amqp_worker_pool', Pool). -spec worker_pool() -> atom(). worker_pool() -> case get('$kz_amqp_worker_pool') of 'undefined' -> kz_amqp_sup:pool_name(); Pool -> Pool end. -spec handle_publish_timeout(state()) -> kz_types:handle_info_ret_state(state()). handle_publish_timeout(#state{client_from='relay' ,reply_to=From }=State) -> lager:debug("timeout waiting for server confirmation"), gen_server:reply(From, {'error', <<"timeout receiving server confirmation">>}), {'noreply', State}; handle_publish_timeout(#state{client_from=From}=State) -> lager:debug("timeout waiting for server confirmation"), gen_server:reply(From, {'error', <<"timeout receiving server confirmation">>}), {'noreply', reset(State), 'hibernate'}. -spec handle_confirm(#'basic.ack'{} | #'basic.nack'{}, state()) -> kz_types:handle_cast_ret_state(state()). handle_confirm(_Msg, #state{client_from='undefined'}=State) -> lager:debug("confirm message was returned from the broker but it was too late : ~p",[_Msg]), {'noreply', reset(State), 'hibernate'}; handle_confirm(Msg, #state{method=Method ,confirm_timeout_ref = ConfirmRef }=State) -> _ = erlang:cancel_timer(ConfirmRef), handle_method_confirm(Method, Msg, State#state{confirm_timeout_ref = 'undefined'}). -spec handle_method_confirm(atom(), #'basic.ack'{} | #'basic.nack'{}, state()) -> kz_types:handle_cast_ret_state(state()). handle_method_confirm('publish', #'basic.ack'{}, #state{client_from='relay' ,reply_to=From }=State) -> lager:debug("published message was confirmed by the broker"), gen_server:reply(From, 'ok'), {'noreply', State}; handle_method_confirm('publish', #'basic.ack'{}, #state{client_from=From}=State) -> lager:debug("published message was confirmed by the broker"), gen_server:reply(From, 'ok'), {'noreply', reset(State), 'hibernate'}; handle_method_confirm('publish', #'basic.nack'{}, #state{client_from='relay' ,reply_to=From }=State) -> lager:debug("published message was declined by the broker"), gen_server:reply(From, {'error', <<"server declined message">>}), {'noreply', State}; handle_method_confirm('publish', #'basic.nack'{}, #state{client_from=From}=State) -> lager:debug("published message was declined by the broker"), gen_server:reply(From, {'error', <<"server declined message">>}), {'noreply', reset(State), 'hibernate'}; handle_method_confirm('request', #'basic.ack'{}, #state{client_pid=ClientPid ,current_msg_id = MsgId ,timeout=Timeout }=State) -> lager:debug("request for msg id ~s for ~p was confirmed by broker", [MsgId, ClientPid]), NewState = State#state{req_timeout_ref = start_req_timeout(Timeout) ,req_start_time = os:timestamp() }, {'noreply', NewState}; handle_method_confirm('request', #'basic.nack'{}, #state{client_pid=ClientPid ,current_msg_id = MsgId ,client_from=From }=State) -> lager:debug("request for msg id ~s for ~p was declined by broker", [MsgId, ClientPid]), gen_server:reply(From, {'error', <<"server declined message">>}), {'noreply', reset(State), 'hibernate'}; handle_method_confirm('call_collect', #'basic.ack'{}, #state{client_pid=ClientPid ,current_msg_id = MsgId ,timeout=Timeout }=State) -> lager:debug("call collect for msg id ~s for ~p was confirmed by broker", [MsgId, ClientPid]), NewState = State#state{req_timeout_ref = start_req_timeout(Timeout) ,req_start_time = os:timestamp() }, {'noreply', NewState}; handle_method_confirm('call_collect', #'basic.nack'{}, #state{client_pid=ClientPid ,current_msg_id = MsgId ,client_from=From }=State) -> lager:debug("call collect for msg id ~s for ~p was declined by broker", [MsgId, ClientPid]), gen_server:reply(From, {'error', <<"server nack">>}), {'noreply', reset(State), 'hibernate'}. -spec handle_payload(kz_term:ne_binary(), kz_json:object(), state()) -> kz_types:handle_cast_ret_state(state()). handle_payload(MsgId, JObj ,#state{current_msg_id = MsgId ,client_from = From ,client_vfun = VFun ,responses = 'undefined' ,req_start_time = StartTime ,neg_resp_count = NegCount ,neg_resp_threshold = NegThreshold }=State) when NegCount < NegThreshold -> _ = kz_util:put_callid(JObj), case VFun(JObj) of 'true' -> case kz_json:is_true(<<"Defer-Response">>, JObj) of 'false' -> lager:debug("response for msg id ~s took ~b micro to return", [MsgId, timer:now_diff(os:timestamp(), StartTime)]), gen_server:reply(From, {'ok', JObj}), {'noreply', reset(State), 'hibernate'}; 'true' -> lager:debug("deferred response for msg id ~s, waiting for primary response", [MsgId]), {'noreply', State#state{defer_response=JObj}, 'hibernate'} end; 'false' -> case kz_json:is_true(<<"Defer-Response">>, JObj) of 'true' -> lager:debug("ignoring invalid resp as it was deferred"), {'noreply', State}; 'false' -> lager:debug("response failed validator, waiting for more responses"), {'noreply', State#state{neg_resp_count = NegCount + 1 ,neg_resp=JObj }} end end; handle_payload(MsgId, JObj ,#state{current_msg_id = MsgId ,client_from = From ,client_cfun = UntilFun ,responses = Resps ,acc = Acc ,req_start_time = StartTime }=State) when is_list(Resps) andalso is_function(UntilFun, 2) -> _ = kz_util:put_callid(JObj), lager:debug("recv message ~s", [MsgId]), Responses = [JObj | Resps], try UntilFun(Responses, Acc) of 'true' -> lager:debug("responses have apparently met the criteria for the client, returning"), lager:debug("response for msg id ~s took ~bμs to return" ,[MsgId, kz_time:elapsed_us(StartTime)] ), gen_server:reply(From, {'ok', Responses}), {'noreply', reset(State), 'hibernate'}; 'false' -> {'noreply', State#state{responses=Responses}, 'hibernate'}; {'false', Acc0} -> {'noreply', State#state{responses=Responses, acc=Acc0}, 'hibernate'} catch _E:_R -> lager:warning("supplied until_fun crashed: ~s: ~p", [_E, _R]), lager:debug("pretending like until_fun returned false"), {'noreply', State#state{responses=Responses}, 'hibernate'} end; handle_payload(MsgId, JObj ,#state{current_msg_id = MsgId ,client_from = From ,client_cfun = UntilFun ,responses = Resps ,req_start_time = StartTime }=State) when is_list(Resps) -> _ = kz_util:put_callid(JObj), lager:debug("recv message ~s", [MsgId]), Responses = [JObj | Resps], try UntilFun(Responses) of 'true' -> lager:debug("responses have apparently met the criteria for the client, returning"), lager:debug("response for msg id ~s took ~bus to return" ,[MsgId, kz_time:elapsed_us(StartTime)] ), gen_server:reply(From, {'ok', Responses}), {'noreply', reset(State), 'hibernate'}; 'false' -> {'noreply', State#state{responses=Responses}, 'hibernate'} catch _E:_R -> lager:warning("supplied until_fun crashed: ~s: ~p", [_E, _R]), lager:debug("pretending like until_fun returned false"), {'noreply', State#state{responses=Responses}, 'hibernate'} end; handle_payload(_MsgId, JObj ,#state{current_msg_id=_CurrMsgId}=State) -> _ = kz_util:put_callid(JObj), lager:debug("received unexpected message with old/expired message id: ~s, waiting for ~s", [_MsgId, _CurrMsgId]), {'noreply', State}.