%%%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @copyright (C) 2012-, Jeremy Raymond %%% %%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %%% You may obtain a copy of the License at %%% %%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %%% %%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %%% limitations under the License. %%% %%% @author Jeremy Raymond %%% %%% @doc The amqp_cron_task module provides different methods for scheduling %%% a task to be executed periodically in the future. The supported methods %%% are one shot, sleeper, and cron mode. %%% %%% A one-shot schedule executes a task once after sleeping a specified %%% number of milliseconds or at a given datetime. %%% %%% %%% {oneshot, 60000} % execute task once after waiting a minute
%%% {oneshot, {{2012, 2, 23}, {1, 0, 0}}} % execute task on Feb 23, 2012 at 1 am %%%
%%% %%% A sleeper mode schedule repeatedly executes a task then sleeps for a %%% specified number of milliseconds before repeating the task. %%% %%% {sleeper, 5000} % execute task then wait 5 seconds before the %%% next execution %%% %%% A cron mode schedule acts similarly to Unix cron. The schedule is %%% defined by the cron tuple %%% %%% {cron, {Minute, Hour, DayOfMonth, Month, DayOfWeek}} %%% %%% The valid range of values for these fields are %%% %%%
%%% Field         Valid Range
%%% ------------  -------------------
%%% minute        0 - 59
%%% hour          0 - 23
%%% day of month  1 - 31
%%% month         1 - 12
%%% day of week   0 - 6 (Sunday is 0) 
%%% %%% The semantics of these fields align with Unix cron. Each field %%% specifies which values in the range are valid for task execution. The %%% values can be given as a range, a list or the atom 'all'. %%% %%%
%%% Field Spec                     Example            Unix Cron
%%% -----------------------------  -----------------  ---------
%%% all                            all                *
%%% {integer(), integer{}}         {1, 5}             1-5
%%% [integer()]                    [1, 3, 7]          1,3,7
%%% # old range and list format is also supported
%%% {range, integer(), integer()}  {range, 1, 5}      1-5
%%% {list, [integer()]}            {list, [1, 3, 7]}  1,3,7
%%% %%% If the day of month is set to a day which does not exist in the current %%% month (such as 31 for February) the day is skipped. Setting day of month %%% to 31 does _not_ mean the last day of the month. This aligns with Unix %%% cron. %%% %%% Specified dates and times are all handled in UTC. %%% %%% When a task takes longer than the time to the next valid period (or %%% periods) the overlapped periods are skipped. %%% %%% @end %%%----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(amqp_cron_task). -behaviour(gen_server). %% API -export([start_link/2, status/1, stop/1]). %% gen_server callbacks -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). -export_type([sleeper/0, cron/0, execargs/0, status/0, schedule/0]). -include_lib("kazoo_stdlib/include/kz_types.hrl"). -define(SERVER, ?MODULE). -record(state, {schedule :: schedule() ,exec :: execargs() ,task_pid :: pid() ,status :: status() | undefined ,next }). -type state() :: #state{}. -define(DAY_IN_SECONDS, 86400). -define(HOUR_IN_SECONDS, 3600). -define(MINUTE_IN_SECONDS, 60). -type schedule() :: oneshot() | sleeper() | cron(). %% A cron schedule. -type oneshot() :: {'oneshot', Millis::pos_integer() | kz_time:datetime()}. %% Schedule a task once after a delay or on a particular date. -type sleeper() :: {'sleeper', Millis::pos_integer()}. %% Repeating schedule sleeping between executions. -type cron() :: {'cron', {Minute :: cronspec() ,Hour :: cronspec() ,DayOfMonth :: cronspec() ,Month :: cronspec() ,DayOfWeek :: cronspec() }}. %% Unix like cron schedule representing the five cron fields: %% minute, hour, day of month, month, day of week. -type cronspec() :: 'all' | [rangespec() | listspec()]. %% Cron field value. Atom all for all values (e.g. *) or one of rangespec() %% or listspec(). -type rangespec() :: {'range', Min :: integer(), Max :: integer()} | {Min :: integer(), Max :: integer()}. %% Represents a cron range (e.g. 1-5). -type listspec() :: {'list', Values :: [integer()]} | [integer()] | integer(). %% Represents a cron list (e.g. 1,3,7) -type status() :: 'waiting' | 'running' | 'done' | 'error'. %% Task execution status. -type execargs() :: mfargs() | funcargs(). %% Task execution type. -type mfargs() :: {Module :: atom(), Function :: atom(), Args :: [term()]}. %% Function execution definition. -type funcargs() :: {Function :: fun(), Args :: [term()]}. %% Anonymous function execution definition. %% Date and time. %%%============================================================================= %%% API %%%============================================================================= %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc Creates a linked process which schedules the function in the %% specified module with the given arguments to be run according %% to the given schedule. %% %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec start_link(Schedule, Exec) -> kz_types:startlink_ret() when Schedule :: schedule(), Exec :: execargs(). start_link(Schedule, Exec) -> gen_server:start_link(?SERVER, [{Schedule, Exec}], []). %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc Gets the current status of the task and the trigger time. If running %% the trigger time denotes the time the task started. If waiting the %% time denotes the next time the task will run. If done the time the %% task ran. If error the cause of the error. %% %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec status(pid()) -> {Status, ScheduleTime, TaskPid} when Status :: status(), ScheduleTime :: kz_time:datetime() | pos_integer() | {'error', Reason}, Reason :: any(), TaskPid :: pid(). status(Pid) -> gen_server:call(Pid, 'status'). %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc Stops the task. %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec stop(pid()) -> 'ok'. stop(Pid) -> gen_server:cast(Pid, 'stop'). %%%============================================================================= %%% gen_server callbacks %%%============================================================================= %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc Initializes the server. %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec init([{schedule(), execargs()}]) -> {'ok', state()}. init([{Schedule, Exec}]) -> Self = self(), Pid = spawn_link(fun() -> case Schedule of {'oneshot', _} -> oneshot(Schedule, Exec, Self); _ -> run_task(Schedule, Exec, Self) end end), {'ok', #state{schedule = Schedule ,exec = Exec ,task_pid = Pid }}. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc Handling call messages. %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec handle_call(any(), kz_term:pid_ref(), state()) -> kz_types:handle_call_ret_state(state()). handle_call('status', _From, State) -> Status = State#state.status, Next = State#state.next, TaskPid = State#state.task_pid, {'reply', {Status, Next, TaskPid}, State}. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc Handling cast messages. %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec handle_cast(any(), state()) -> kz_types:handle_cast_ret_state(state()). handle_cast({'error', Message}, State) -> {'noreply', State#state{status = 'error', next = Message}}; handle_cast({'done', Schedule}, State) -> {'noreply', State#state{status = 'done', next = Schedule}}; handle_cast({'waiting', NextValidDateTime}, State) -> {'noreply', State#state{status = 'waiting', next = NextValidDateTime}}; handle_cast({'running', NextValidDateTime}, State) -> {'noreply', State#state{status = 'running', next = NextValidDateTime}}; handle_cast('stop', State) -> {'stop', 'normal', State}. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc Handling all non call/cast messages. %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec handle_info(any(), state()) -> kz_types:handle_info_ret_state(state()). handle_info(_Info, State) -> {'noreply', State}. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec terminate(any(), state()) -> 'ok'. terminate(_Reason, State) -> exit(State#state.task_pid, 'kill'), 'ok'. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc Convert process state when code is changed. %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -spec code_change(any(), state(), any()) -> {'ok', state()}. code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {'ok', State}. %%%============================================================================= %%% Internal functions %%%============================================================================= %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% @doc %% @end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ oneshot({'oneshot', Millis}, Exec, ParentPid) when is_integer(Millis) -> gen_server:cast(ParentPid, {'waiting', Millis}), sleep_accounting_for_max(Millis), gen_server:cast(ParentPid, {'running', Millis}), apply_task(Exec), gen_server:cast(ParentPid, {'done', Millis}); oneshot({'oneshot', DateTime}, Exec, ParentPid) -> CurrentDateTime = calendar:universal_time(), CurrentSeconds = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(CurrentDateTime), ScheduleSeconds = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(DateTime), WaitSeconds = ScheduleSeconds - CurrentSeconds, case WaitSeconds > 0 of 'true' -> gen_server:cast(ParentPid, {'waiting', DateTime}), sleep_accounting_for_max(WaitSeconds * 1000), gen_server:cast(ParentPid, {'running', DateTime}), apply_task(Exec), gen_server:cast(ParentPid, {'done', DateTime}); 'false' -> Format = "Schedule datetime ~p is in the past", Message = lists:flatten(io_lib:format(Format, [DateTime])), error_logger:error_report(Message), gen_server:cast(ParentPid, {'error', Message}) end. run_task({'sleeper', Millis} = Sleeper, Exec, ParentPid) -> gen_server:cast(ParentPid, {'running', Millis}), apply_task(Exec), gen_server:cast(ParentPid, {'waiting', Millis}), sleep_accounting_for_max(Millis), run_task(Sleeper, Exec, ParentPid); run_task(Schedule, Exec, ParentPid) -> CurrentDateTime = calendar:universal_time(), NextValidDateTime = next_valid_datetime(Schedule, CurrentDateTime), SleepFor = time_to_wait_millis(CurrentDateTime, NextValidDateTime), gen_server:cast(ParentPid, {'waiting', NextValidDateTime}), sleep_accounting_for_max(SleepFor), gen_server:cast(ParentPid, {'running', NextValidDateTime}), apply_task(Exec), run_task(Schedule, Exec, ParentPid). -spec apply_task(execargs()) -> any(). apply_task(Exec) -> try case Exec of {M, F, A} -> apply(M, F, A); {F, A} -> apply(F, A) end catch Error:Reason -> Stacktrace = erlang:get_stacktrace(), Format = "Task ~p in process ~p with value:~n~p", Message = lists:flatten(io_lib:format( Format, [Error, self(), {Reason, Stacktrace}])), error_logger:error_report(Message) end. -spec time_to_wait_millis(kz_time:datetime(), kz_time:datetime()) -> integer(). time_to_wait_millis(CurrentDateTime, NextDateTime) -> CurrentSeconds = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(CurrentDateTime), NextSeconds = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(NextDateTime), SecondsToSleep = NextSeconds - CurrentSeconds, SecondsToSleep * 1000. -spec next_valid_datetime(cron(), kz_time:datetime()) -> kz_time:datetime(). next_valid_datetime({'cron', _Schedule} = Cron, DateTime) -> DateTime1 = advance_seconds(DateTime, ?MINUTE_IN_SECONDS), {{Y, Mo, D}, {H, M, _}} = DateTime1, DateTime2 = {{Y, Mo, D}, {H, M, 0}}, next_valid_datetime('not_done', Cron, DateTime2). -spec next_valid_datetime('done' | 'not_done', cron(), kz_time:datetime()) -> kz_time:datetime(). next_valid_datetime('done', _, DateTime) -> DateTime; next_valid_datetime('not_done', {'cron', Schedule} = Cron, DateTime) -> {MinuteSpec, HourSpec, DayOfMonthSpec, MonthSpec, DayOfWeekSpec} = Schedule, {{Year, Month, Day}, {Hour, Minute, _}} = DateTime, {Done, Time} = case value_valid(MonthSpec, 1, 12, Month) of 'false' -> case Month of 12 -> {'not_done', {{Year + 1, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 0}}}; Month -> {'not_done', {{Year, Month + 1, 1}, {0, 0, 0}}} end; 'true' -> DayOfWeek = case calendar:day_of_the_week(Year, Month, Day) of 7 -> 0; % we want 0 to be Sunday not 7 DOW -> DOW end, DOMValid = value_valid(DayOfMonthSpec, 1, 31, Day), DOWValid = value_valid(DayOfWeekSpec, 0, 6, DayOfWeek), case (((DayOfMonthSpec =/= 'all') andalso (DayOfWeekSpec =/= 'all') andalso (DOMValid orelse DOWValid)) orelse (DOMValid andalso DOWValid)) of 'false' -> Temp1 = advance_seconds(DateTime, ?DAY_IN_SECONDS), {{Y, M, D}, {_, _, _}} = Temp1, {'not_done', {{Y, M, D}, {0, 0, 0}}}; 'true' -> case value_valid(HourSpec, 0, 23, Hour) of 'false' -> Temp3 = advance_seconds(DateTime, ?HOUR_IN_SECONDS), {{Y, M, D}, {H, _, _}} = Temp3, {'not_done', {{Y, M, D}, {H, 0, 0}}}; 'true' -> case value_valid(MinuteSpec, 0, 59, Minute) of 'false' -> {'not_done', advance_seconds(DateTime, ?MINUTE_IN_SECONDS)}; 'true' -> {'done', DateTime} end end end end, next_valid_datetime(Done, Cron, Time). -spec value_valid(cronspec(), integer(), integer(), integer()) -> boolean(). value_valid(Spec, Min, Max, Value) when Value >= Min, Value =< Max-> case Spec of 'all' -> 'true'; Spec -> ValidValues = extract_integers(Spec, Min, Max), lists:any(fun(Item) -> Item == Value end, ValidValues) end. -spec advance_seconds(kz_time:datetime(), integer()) -> kz_time:datetime(). advance_seconds(DateTime, Seconds) -> Seconds1 = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(DateTime) + Seconds, calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime(Seconds1). -spec extract_integers([rangespec()|listspec()], integer(), integer()) -> [integer()]. extract_integers(Spec, Min, Max) when Min < Max -> extract_integers(Spec, Min, Max, []). -spec extract_integers(Spec, Min, Max, Acc) -> Integers when Spec :: [rangespec()|listspec()], Min :: integer(), Max :: integer(), Acc :: list(), Integers :: [integer()]. extract_integers([], Min, Max, Acc) -> Integers = lists:sort(sets:to_list(sets:from_list(lists:flatten(Acc)))), lists:foreach( fun (Int) when Int < Min -> throw({'error', {'out_of_range', {'min', Min}, {'value', Int}}}); (Int) when Int > Max -> throw({'error', {'out_of_range', {'max', Max}, {'value', Int}}}); (_Int) -> 'ok' end, Integers), Integers; extract_integers(Spec, Min, Max, Acc) -> [H|T] = Spec, Values = case H of {'range', Lower, Upper} when Lower < Upper -> lists:seq(Lower, Upper); {'list', List} -> List; {Lower, Upper} when Lower < Upper -> lists:seq(Lower, Upper); List when is_list(List) -> List; Integer when is_integer(Integer) -> [Integer] end, extract_integers(T, Min, Max, [Values|Acc]). -define(LONG_SLEEP_TIME, 100000000). sleep_accounting_for_max(TimeInMillis) -> case TimeInMillis > ?LONG_SLEEP_TIME of 'false' -> timer:sleep(TimeInMillis); 'true' -> timer:sleep(TimeInMillis rem ?LONG_SLEEP_TIME), long_sleep(TimeInMillis div ?LONG_SLEEP_TIME) end. long_sleep(0) -> 'ok'; long_sleep(Chunks) -> timer:sleep(?LONG_SLEEP_TIME), long_sleep(Chunks - 1).