Payment Receipt Date: {{|date:"l, F j, Y H:i"}} Invoice ID: {{}} Thank you for being a customer! We received your payment We've successfully charged {{transaction.amount|floatformat:2}}{% if transaction.currency_code %} {{transaction.currency_code|upper}}{% endif %}{% if transaction.card_last_four %} to your card with four last digits {{transaction.card_last_four}} {% endif %} on {{|date:"n/j/Y"}}. {% if transaction.address %} ------------------------- Billed To: {% if transaction.address.first_name %}{{transaction.address.first_name}} {% endif %} {% if transaction.address.last_name %}{{transaction.address.last_name}} {% endif %} {% if %}{{}} {% endif %} {% if transaction.address.locality %}{{transaction.address.locality}}, {% endif %} {% if transaction.address.region %}{{transaction.address.region}} {% endif %} {% if transaction.address.postal_code %}{{transaction.address.postal_code}} {% endif %} {% if transaction.address.country_name %} - {{transaction.address.country_name}}{% endif %} Billing Address: {% if transaction.address.street_address %}{{transaction.address.street_address}} {% endif %} {% if transaction.address.extended_address %}{{transaction.address.extended_address}} {% endif %} {% if transaction.address.locality %}{{transaction.address.locality}}, {% endif %} {% if transaction.address.region %}{{transaction.address.region}} {% endif %} {% if transaction.address.postal_code %}{{transaction.address.postal_code}}{% endif %} {% if transaction.address.country_name %} - {{transaction.address.country_name}}{% endif %} ------------------------- {% endif %} Questions? Please email us and we'll be happy to help. Need to update your billing info? The Billing section can be accessed by your account owner{% if user.first_name or user.last_name %}, {{user.first_name}} {{user.last_name}}{% endif %}. Thank you for your business! Account Information Account ID: {{}} Account Name: {{}} Account Realm: {{account.realm}} Sent from {{system.encoded_node}}